The Palm City Report

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New Horizons
Island/Town Name
Palm City
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Gone until April 1st
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
Cool Balloon
Flower Glow Wand
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Yellow Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Orange Candy
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
Disclaimer: As a time-traveler, all of these events are set in the future. They also involve obtaining several items early. While this is unnatural, this is how I choose to play. But I hope you enjoy reading the Palm City Report.


Day 1 - The Beginnings

July 1st, 2024…

44-year-old Andrea Casa has arrived on an uncharted island owned by Nook Inc, a property of Tom Nook’s. After her restaurant went out of business after 21 years of operation, Andrea decided to retire and get a Desert Island Getaway Package.

Andrea has arrived on the deserted island occupied by Tom Nook. She placed her tent in the southwestern corner of the island, got her Nookphone, and attended a ceremony, naming the island. Also on the uncharted island were Stinky, a Jock Cat villager, and Faith, a Sisterly Koala villager. She helped Stinky and Faith place their tents, before she got to name the island.
As someone who was born in Southern California, Andrea decided to name the island something California-related. Her choice was “Palm City”, which was a reference to California and its palm trees.

After the naming ceremony, Andrea decided to work on paying off her moving fees. Tom Nook originally charged her in Bells, but knowing that the island doesn’t have any money since it was new, he charged her in Nook Miles. So on the first day, Andrea focused on doing some chores to earn Nook Miles. She got some easy ones for simply moving in, but she also did the following tasks:
  • Design a custom pattern​
  • Take a photo​
  • Place five items inside her tent​
  • Catch ten fish​
  • Break her fishing rod​
  • Catch ten fish in a row​
  • Learn five DIY projects​
  • Use her NookPhone​
  • Sell 50 weeds​
  • Sell anything in general​
  • Sell 100 weeds​
  • Shake a tree for furniture​
  • Catch ten insects​
  • Harvest for 20 wood pieces​
When Andrea had enough, she paid her 5,000 Nook Miles to Tom Nook. Impressed at her work, he agreed to build a house where she lived, with a blue roof as she requested. She also unlocked the Nook Miles+ Program.

After paying her moving fees, she did some more chores for more Nook Miles. Her first two rewards were the ability to make pro designs and eight more hairstyles.

As she was living on the island, she made a few first moments. Her first purchase from Timmy and Tommy was a Tissue Box, and her first DIY project she learned from a note in the bottle was a Wooden Full-Length Mirror. Her first fish was a Puffer Fish, and her first insect was a Wasp. She also pulled every weed south of the river, where Resident Services is.

Lastly, she had to focus on preparing a museum for Palm City. And this required making five donations. Because Andrea’s first tool was a flimsy fishing rod, she focused on catching fish. Her first five fish were a Puffer Fish, a Zebra Turkeyfish, a Sea Horse, an Anchovy, and a Red Snapper. As she made each donation, she learned how to make new tools while earning five red lilies, which she planted. But once five donations were made, she placed Blathers’ tent kit somewhere along the river. And then, she was done for the day.

Day 2 - Building a New Town

On the second day of living in Palm City, Andrea realized that she no longer lives in a tent, but rather a small house. It may be too small for her tastes, but worth it as she waits for more. One thing she did that day was that she hosted visitors. A visitor from StarGlow, with the name of Jenny, came to visit Palm City. As someone who lived in StarGlow for a while, Jenny is already prepared to live on these islands. But Andrea was still new, so she had to get help. Jenny brought her most of the DIYs for wooden furniture (as well as a few other DIYs like the Fruit Basket), supplies to make furniture, some clothes, and a few household items like an old TV and a fan.

While Andrea had outside help to make her feel more comfortable living in Palm City, she also made some new discoveries. First, Blathers has arrived in Palm City. He got the five fish Andrea donated the day before, and requests 15 more artifacts. She then learned how to make a flimsy shovel and a vaulting pole. She found all of the fossils buried in the grounds of Palm City and had them identified. They were a Sabertooth Skull, a Diplo Tail Tip, and a Spino Tail. Another thing she did was that she met Gulliver, who was washed upon the beach. She woke him up, and then helped him find his missing communicator parts with her new shovel. He gave her a pyramid the next day.

The most important job of the day was gathering the materials to build a shop for Timmy and Tommy. At first, they had to sell their goods at Resident Services. But if Andrea supplied enough soft wood, regular wood, hardwood, and iron nuggets, they can build a shop right away. Which she did help, and then placed the construction kit. Its initial position was left of the Resident Services.

Because living on a deserted island was more difficult than what Andrea thought, she had to learn some new tips. They included making stronger tools, expanding pocket space, and a tool ring.

Day 3 - A Mystery Island Tour

Now that Timmy and Tommy have a shop, Palm City was starting to have more development. However, the museum task was still not complete. So Andrea had to gather new fossils, while donating some fish and insects she left on the beach. Her next few fossils were the Australopith, the Tricera Skull, the Parasaur Skull, and the Iguanodon Tail. She also donated the Squid, her first fish she caught after placing the museum construction kit. After that, she donated seven insects, which were the Wasp, the Grasshopper, the Brown Cicada, the Evening Cicada, the Long Locust, the Common Bluebottle, and the Earth-boring Dung Beetle. With these donations made, Blathers was ready to build a museum.

With Nook’s Cranny now built, Andrea has access to other stuff, like more DIYs and a catalog feature. On the first day, Timmy and Tommy were selling a Retro Stereo and a Garden Lamp, along with documents and a mug. Andrea was very interested into the stuff being sold that day, so she bought everything.

The next step towards island development was to go visit the mystery islands to meet future villagers for Palm City. On Andrea’s first mystery island, she met Zoe, a Normal Anteater villager. On the next, she met Hugh, a Lazy Pig villager. And on the third, she met Sprinkle, a Peppy Penguin villager. After inviting all three explorers to Palm City, Andrea went back to work for Tom Nook. And her next job was to prepare these three villagers’ plots. But not before making a log bridge construction kit and placing the log bridge. And then, she placed and prepared the plots of the three new villagers, while learning new DIYs. Once she finished, she learned how to place fencing on the island.

While preparing the island for new villagers, the older two villagers now live in proper homes. They also taught her about reactions, where she can use emotions while living on Palm City.

Day 4 - Andrea Learns Customization

On the fourth day of Andrea’s stay in Palm City, more progress has come. With the Museum receiving enough artifacts to run, it began construction. Meanwhile, Andrea saw another outcome of what she did earlier. Hugh moves into Plot 1. Even though he was the second villager invited, he was the first of the three to move in.

Also on the same day, Jenny of StarGlow came to drop off more basic DIYs since Andrea learned a bulk of them. They mostly included the log series and ironwood series, but a few others were in the bunch as well. Jenny wasn’t the only visitor either. Harvey, the owner of Harv’s island, came to visit and invite Andrea to his island.

Although not much was done that day, she learned more bonus features. Along with more hair customization, she learned furniture customization, which allowed her to paint every piece of wooden furniture blue to fit her blue monochromatic color scheme.

Day 5 - Museum Opens Up

The next day shows more progress in Palm City. First, Sprinkle moves in, making her the second of the invitees to move in. Second, Mabel is now visiting Palm City, selling some clothes so she can open a business in town. Andrea also learned to customize her phone case for the first time, and she decided on blue to continue following her blue motif.

But the biggest event of the day was that the Museum opens up. As Blathers always accepts fish, insects, and fossils, he also told Andrea that he accepts art. With the Museum now open, Andrea had to donate what’s left on the beaches near her house. She made a total of 19 donations that day, from the Butterfly Fish she caught on the first day to the Spider she caught on the third day. She caught and donated eight more fish as well.

The Museum’s grand opening wasn’t the only major event of the day. Andrea also paid off her first debt, allowing her to expand her house for the first time. She needed more space to hold more furniture to make her feel more comfortable, as well as having more storage space.

Day 6 - Holiday DIY School

When Andrea first got out of her house, she noticed that it expanded for the first time, giving her an 8x8 room instead of a 6x6 room, and a better exterior. She knew that a much bigger debt is on her way, but she can pay it off.

Another thing that happened was that Zoe, the first of the mystery island campers she invited, moved in. With the Museum and Nook’s Cranny built, and five villagers living in Palm City, Tom Nook announces that it was time to expand Resident Services. So the sixth day was the last day it was a standard tent.

Jenny came back to Palm City once again, but to deliver all of the holiday DIYs from the fall and winter, with the Turkey Day items being the only exception. While they didn’t have much use for Andrea at the time, they would come in handy in the future. Especially the illuminated arts. Her excessive DIY learning resulted in her completing all five achievements on learning more DIY recipes.

Andrea also took a visit to StarGlow, where she picked up 22 million Bells, a festive wreath, and four of each hybrid flowers. When she came back, she met Redd, who had his boat parked along the northern beach of Palm City. Andrea’s first purchase was a painting called “Girl With a Pearl Earring”. And it was legitimate.

Day 7 - Creature Hunting

Because the Resident Services was closed, Andrea spent the last day of the first week catching creatures for the Museum. Since it was summer, there were many fish and insects to catch, including every single fish that lives in a pond like near Nook’s Cranny. Andrea focused on the pier, the trees, and even the oceans where creatures like the Sea Slug live. By the end of the day, the Museum has 30 insects, 30 fish, and 10 deep sea creatures. Other fish and insects were put in storage.

Andrea also experienced growing and caring for vegetation. She planted the seeds to more fruit trees, making Palm City have all different kinds of fruits. She watered the hybrid tulips she took from StarGlow. And since the day started on Sunday morning, Andrea bought 100 turnips from Daisy Mae, beginning her journey in the Stalk Market.




Day 8 - Resident Services finishes Remodeling

Exactly one week after Andrea arrived on the island of Palm City, Resident Services has re-opened, looking more like a city hall. It had new features, a more improved plaza, and a new employee with the name of Isabelle.

With Resident Services upgraded, Andrea focused on giving the island an image. She designed the flag and written the island tune. She also focused on expanding her pocket space to the max and advanced interior design features. At the same time, Tom Nook plans on having K.K. Slider visit Palm City, but the island required more development. There are still too few villagers, and Mabel hasn’t opened her shop yet. His plans begin with building a campsite, which Andrea placed on the upper cliffs across the river. Unreachable at the time, but she doesn’t plan on making the rest of the island’s facilities inaccessible to villagers.

Every villager has been doing their own things too. Stinky was exploring the island, Sprinkle was relaxing at her home, Hugh was trying to craft a Forbidden Altar, Faith was visiting Zoe’s house, and Andrea bought carpets and wallpapers from Saharah for the first time.

Day 9 - Campsite Opens

On the next day, the Palm City Campsite has been opened. A ceremony took place there despite being inaccessible.

Although Andrea met Lottie for the first time, and she visited Harv’s Island for the first time, she spent most of the day trying to catch more fish and insects for the Museum to display. She wanted to catch as many creatures as she could at the time, and there was a lot since it was summer. Coincidentally, Andrea paid a visit to Redd’s boat and purchased the Beauty Looking Back painting from Redd.

Day 10 - The First Camper

Andrea began the day by selling her turnips to Timmy and Tommy. She previously bought 100 turnips for 97 Bells each. She checked every time the last few days, but the Nooklings’ buying price was lower than Daisy Mae’s selling price. But when they were buying turnips for 116 Bells per turnip, Andrea sold her turnips right away, making a profit on her first week of turnip trading.

She also went to donate the painting she got from Redd. Unfortunately for her, it was a fake. Although Blathers doesn’t like bugs, he will accept them. But he will not accept counterfeit arts. She tried to sell it to Timmy and Tommy, only to find out that they don’t accept counterfeit works of art. She was scammed.

After the turnip-selling success and painting donation failure, Andrea checked out the campsite and met her first camper. It was Phil the Smug Ostrich villager. She immediately invited him. But she had to place his home somewhere on the island.

The night after, she went to a mystery island to catch more fish and insects. Whatever she caught is what she stored, because she would only donate ten insects at a time. The same is true for fish and sea creatures.

Day 11 - Gardening Glory

Before Andrea took a visit at Phil’s house, she paid a visit at Leif’s gardening cart. She went overboard on her spendings, buying 20 tomato starts, 30 windflower seeds, and 50 holly starts. She went all over the island to plant them.

She then visited Phil, as he was the first campsite villager she ever invited. After that, she went to Resident Services to discuss Town Evaluations for the first time. The island had a 1-star rating, but there were too few people on the island, so judgment is poor.

Another thing Andrea did was that she purchased the Pro Camera, which allowed her to take better photos.

Day 12 - Plot Placement

On the next day, Andrea directed all of her focus on island development opposed to fishing and bug hunting. It began with talking to Mabel, who got enough business to open a shop in Palm City. Andrea placed the Able Sisters’ plot near the mussum.

The next thing she did was that she placed four empty plots across all of Palm City, either near Sprinkle’s house or on the same side of the river as Resident Services. They were expensive to place, but she would earn more Nook Miles for each villager that moves in.

She then went island hopping to meet new villagers. Her first villager after was Buzz, a Cranky Eagle villager. He was on a rainy island, where she also caught her Coelacanth.

Day 13 - Buzz Moves In

The 13th day of Andrea’s stay on Palm City did not have much. All she did was island hopping, which she invited a Snooty Duck villager named Gloria. She also met with Buzz, who she previously invited the day before.

Day 14 - Able Sisters Opens Up

On the last day of the second week, two big news events have happened. One was that Kidd, a Lazy Goat Villager, moved in. Another was that the Able Sisters is now open for business. She even went shopping at the Able Sisters.

Once again, Andrea took risks in the Stalk Market by buying Daisy Mae’s turnips. She spent 95 Bells per turnip to buy a couple thousand turnips. But she sold them at StarGlow instead. She made big profits selling turnips.

She also went to the mystery island for more bugs to donate to Blathers, as well as inviting more villagers to live in Palm City. She invited Boris the Cranky Pig villager. When she invited him, she made it to ten villagers. At the start, there were two. After one week, there were five. After two weeks, there were ten. She hoped this would convince K.K. Slider to visit Palm City.







Day 15 - Big Week Begins

Two weeks after Palm City was established, K.K. Slider is finally coming. However, the week began with a day that not much was done. All that happened that day was that Gloria moved in, which means all eight personalities are present in Palm City. Also, Andrea got lost and used Rescue Services for the first time.

Day 16 - Palm City gets 3-Star Rating

On the 16th day, Boris moved into Palm City. It’s been half-way through the month, and Palm City has finally got ten villagers.

For this reason, Palm City had enough villagers to make a proper judgment through island evaluations. When Andrea checked, she discovered that the island got a 3-Star rating, which is high enough to get K.K. Slider to come visit to perform in front of the villagers of Palm City. Tom Nook’s project is thus complete.

Day 17 - K.K. Slider’s First Show

K.K. Slider has arrived in Palm City for the first time, showing that Palm City is finally developed. The whole community went to his performance as he played Welcome Horizons in front of everyone.

After the show, Tom Nook has granted Andrea permission to terraform the island. She also saved enough Nook Miles to unlock all of the other permits to terraforming, including river building and cliff sculpting. Although she had the full power to do so, she decided to leave Palm City’s landscape alone until the next month.

Day 18 - Andrea learns Cooking

Now that Palm City was finished with development, Andrea focused on other duties. One was that she had to fully expand her house. She paid her second debt after the concert, and gained an additional room in the back the day after. She decided to run a hotel for Palm City, with her apartment being at the top and a small restaurant being at the bottom. Because she had a lot of money, she didn’t need to farm for resources to pay off her debts.

Another duty she took care of was working on Harv’s Island. He now has a campground behind his cabin, and he sought funds for each special seller (like Leif and Kicks) so they can start working for Palm City via remote island. Andrea focused on one RV at a time, as Reese and Cyrus were the first to get her donations.

In addition to the Harv’s Island donations and house payments, Andrea learned cooking. As a former restaurant owner, she already knew how to cook. She was even better than her well-talented chefs. But she didn’t have permission to cook in Palm City until the day after K.K. Slider performed a concert.

Day 19 - Cooking DIY School

For the next few days, Andrea’s duties were repetitive. She had to pay off her house while helping Harv’s Island get more sellers. She gained a room on the left while Reese and Cyrus have opened their refurbishment business on Harv’s Island. She had to pay another debt for her house and donated to get Leif to sell his plants on Harv’s Island.

She later paid a visit to StarGlow to learn all of the cooking DIYs Holly wanted her to learn. Like usual, Jenny helps out Andrea by hosting her visits. She also had to help clean up the island of StarGlow after it got hit by a tropical storm. By the time she finished, she learned many cooking recipes, including all of the fruit smoothies and fruit pies.

Later that night, she met Celeste for the first time. She gave her the recipe to make a Star Wand.

Day 20 - Plans for the Café

Like the last two days, Andrea focused on payments to improve her house and Harv’s Island. This time, she got a room on the right and Leif is now selling plants on Harv’s Island. She paid for Tortimer’s storage services next. She also unlocked all remaining fashion customization features such as new eye colors.

Because it was Saturday, K.K. Slider appeared once again. This time, Andrea requested to listen to another song of his, which is K.K. Calypso.

After a long hiatus to fossil and art donations, Andrea started donating fossils and art again. Instead of getting her arts from Redd since she got scammed, she got them from Jenny, who had collected every legit art piece. She also planned on donating four fossils at a time. But when she tried donating, she found out that Blathers wanted to open a new attraction. Because Palm City is on the map, and that the museum gained several donations, Blathers would like to get Brewster to work for him again.

Andrea went to a mystery island immediately, but by Kapp’n’s boat, which she went on for the first time. Upon arrival, she met Brewster, who gave her a gyroid fragment and agreed to open a Café. She went back to Palm City and talked to Blathers about it. The museum was planned for remodeling the day after.

Day 21 - Museum Closes for Remodeling

While the Museum being closed was a major event, Andrea still had other things to do. Like every day, she paid house debts and Harv’s Island funds. But this time, she got Kicks going to Harv’s Island. As Tortimer now opens his service on the island.
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Disclaimer: For the next few entries, it’s not going to cover a day-by-day basis on what happens in Palm City. Everything that happens from this point on is just monotonous, so I would cover the summaries instead.


Day 22 to Day 26 - Paying off Harv’s Island

Week 4 in Palm City began with the Museum re-opening with the Roost, where Brewster works. At the same time, Andrea’s house has expanded to the max, and Kick’s shop has opened on Harv’s Island. Andrea continued donations for each of the sellers, one by one, until all of them have been paid off. Redd’s donations were completed the day Kicks started business. Saharah’s donations were completed the day Redd started business. And Katrina’s donations were completed the day Saharah’s started business.

Since Andrea was finished with house payments, she began to focus on terraforming the island. But the first step was to fix the Central District. According to her plans, she would have four villagers living right next to Resident Services, two on each side, and holly bushes at the ends of each houses. Each district would emphasize on three exclusive plants that couldn’t be found anywhere else in Palm City. For the Central District, the exclusive plants were the cherry trees, pansies, and tomato bushes. Since the cherry was the main fruit and the pansy was the main flower, it made sense to surround the island’s city hall with cherries and pansies. Meanwhile, tomatoes were the first crops Andrea has ever purchased from Leif, so they became the district vegetable.

The Administrative District had four boundaries planned. By no surprise, the southern boundaries were the beaches, which were barricaded by stone and iron fenced with tomatoes being right behind the fence. There were at least four openings to the south (one on the west beach, one to the airport, and two to the east beach). On the west, there is a pond called the Star Lake, which would have nova lights illuminating the lake at night. The path next to the Star Lake would also be the transition to a longer path that would lead to the future Winter Indoor Park, which has yet to be built. The other two boundaries are the cliff walls, with the eastern one having a brick staircase to the upper elevations, planned and funded on July 25th, and built on July 26th.

Andrea began working on the Administrative District by moving Faith’s house closer to Boris’s house. She already had Boris in a good spot, but she needed to move Faith so she can complete a path on the east side. The next step was to move Stinky’s house next to Resident Services, right as north as Boris’s house was. But that required moving Nook’s Cranny, so she moved Nook’s Cranny east of the river (which no villager had access to). When she got Nook’s Cranny moved, she was able to relocate Stinky to where Nook’s Cranny once was, then move Sprinkle to the Administrative District to be symmetrical to Faith’s house. Lastly, she had to move the Able Sisters out of the way, so Andrea can complete the Administrative District.

While she was working on island development, she also focused on decorating her house. The first step was to get the apartment finished, which primarily contained non-DIY items. She was already ordering items for her house while she was expanding it, but she needed to continue doing it until her hotel is finished.

Day 27 to Day 31 - Terraforming Begins

With the Administrative District finished, Andrea was ready to terraform the entire island. The first step was to build a large cliff in the southeastern corner of the island. She plans on making the entire upper landscapes a desert resembling the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts. But the easiest path to go was terraforming the southeastern corner.

Since she previously placed Nook’s Cranny and the Able Sisters there, she had to move them again. Fortunately, since she moved Sprinkle away from the northern end of town, she can move them as a temporary location, as their permanent location would be on top of a cliff. When both were out of the way, she can build cliffs and top them with sand. But she also dug up rivers.

By the end of the month, she already got started on the Shopping District and had Nook’s Cranny moved to its permanent location. But she still had much more to go, even in the southeastern corner. And her apartment is still not finished when it came to decorations. But she made a lot of progress. Within just one month, she caught more than half of all the insects and fish available, got the Museum completed enough to have a Café, fully expanded her house, completed Harv’s Island, and learned over 250 DIY recipes and over 90 cooking recipes. She was ready to finish working on Palm City all on her own.


As time went deeper into the summer, Palm City enters its second month since its establishment - August. Since Andrea got permission to modify the terrain, she started working on designing her house and the island. While she did get started in the last week of July, the first half of August was when it really begun.

Terrain Modification

Once the Administrative District was finished, Andrea worked on the southeastern corner. At the southern end, it looked like an empty desert plateau, but it had the crossroads. While the Shopping District was north and the Administrative District was west, Andrea wanted to have some niche points of interests. In this part of Palm City, they were the wheat farm and the pumpkin garden valley, the latter having access to the beach.

Up north was the u-shaped river that flows into the waterfall in the south. The piece of land within the concavity of the river is the Shopping District. Peaches were the main fruit, as carrots were the main vegetable. Along with the peaches and carrots, there were hibiscus shrubs and hybrid tulips. While much of the upper cliffs were to be covered in sand, this area was spared to make it look like a cooler and more fertile area.

When Andrea started working on the Shopping District, she moved Nook’s Cranny to the Shopping District, not just to fulfill her plans, but also to clear space west of the cliffs so she can fill the area with cliffs. The next shop to move was Able Sisters, which sits next to Nook’s Cranny to the left. She also relocated Zoe’s, Gloria’s, and Phil’s houses to the path south of the shops, and built a market at the western end.

When she was done, she spent the next few days raising the elevation of the land north of the Administrative District. She planned on making the entire island a second-tier town or higher, but leave a few spaces of lowlands within the southern and western beaches. In order to build the cliffs and rivers, she needed to move buildings around. She also had to cut down trees for more wood and more space, while fulfilling the plans that all trees in Palm City are going to be fruit trees, with coconut trees being the dominant trees.

At the western end of the cliffs, she worked on the third district, which was the Museum District. She moved both the Museum and her house, as well as all of the remaining animal homes on the western shores, to the district. She also had to move the Campsite to the western shores, and then the eastern beach.

When all three districts have been finished, she went to work on the northern end of Palm City, which was supposed to be the top of the mountain. But she also made a large valley near the secret beach Redd parks his boat at, as a party beach. She also focused a little on the western shores that were still bounded to the first level of elevation. In addition, she had to build more bridges and inclines. By the time she finished landscaping the western shores, she was done terraforming the island. She planned on having more palm trees and cacti in the desert, but there was no more need for terraforming after August 12th.

Villager Replacements

Terraforming wasn’t the only big thing Andrea did in August. She also had to kick out all ten starting villagers that helped bring Palm City alive, while inviting some other villagers from beyond the island.

The first one to go was Faith. She was one of the first two islanders to live in Palm City, along with Stinky. She was also the first to leave. Rosie, a peppy cat villager, took her spot, as she became the resident that took the southeastern home in the Administrative District.

Boris may have been the last villager to move into Palm City before K.K. Slider’s first performance, but he became the second one to go, as Andrea favored Apollo over Boris. Apollo’s house became the northeastern home in the Administrative District.

The next villager Andrea invited was Marshal, the smug squirrel. In order to get him to live in Palm City, she had to replace another villager. The next to replace was Stinky, who had the northwestern home. By the time he was kicked out, the only remaining animals from Day One to live on the island were Tom Nook and his nephews.

The last remaining villager in the Administrative District that previously lived in Palm City was Sprinkle, but even she didn’t stay for long. When Marina decided to move into Palm City, Sprinkle was replaced.

When Sprinkle was gone, Palm City was without a penguin villager, but not for long. Andrea focused on inviting Roald. Despite the Museum District being the last district she built, it became the next district to replace the villagers in. The villager she replaced next was Buzz.

Other News

Terraforming, villager replacements, and infrastructure construction weren’t the only things Andrea did. Since a new month started, she focused on catching more insects, fish, and deep sea creatures, until she has indexed every creature available in August. She also had to donate these creatures to the Museum. She also had to catch a few snapping turtles and scorpions so she can have models based on them to put in her house as part of the hotel lobby.

Very early in the month, as soon as Faith packs away, being ready to leave, Nook’s Cranny announced that it’s ready to expand. So they were closed for a day. When it re-opened on August 4th, all main facilities have been built and upgraded. Island development was still far from complete, as Andrea needed to place some scenery and build the houses.

She also celebrated the holidays that went on. She wasn’t interested into the fishing tourney and bug-off, but she liked the fireworks festivals. So she spent the nights of the fireworks festival, trying to do other tasks.


Throughout the rest of August, Andrea didn’t do much. With Palm City’s landscape perfected, terraforming was all said and done. However, the island was far from complete. She had to plant flowers, place lamps and other scenery, and grow trees, to make the outdoors look nicer. She also continued to work on her hotel, which was incomplete as of August 31st, 2024. She did get some areas completed, such as the Party Beach, the Ancient Observatory, and a beach rock where people can relax. She also managed to get all of the farming rocks, such as the money rock, in one area, which was on the third layer, west of the bridge.

Just like in the first half of the month, Andrea focused on villager replacements, replacing every villager one-by-one, every three days. She previously replaced Faith, Boris, Stinky, Sprinkle, and Buzz with Rosie, Apollo, Marshal, Marina, and Roald, respectively. As she already replaced the villagers of the Administrative District, she went to the Museum District, and then the Shopping District. The next one to go was Kidd, who was replaced by Fauna. After that, Hugh left, as Fang moved in.

The last three remaining original villagers were Zoe, Gloria, and Phil, all of which lived in the Shopping District. But even they weren’t there for long. When Fang considered moving in, Andrea invited Queenie, who replaced Zoe. While Zoe moving out wasn’t a big deal for the normal villagers since Marina and Fauna are still living in Palm City, Zoe was the last of the mystery island explorers Andrea invited prior to Resident Service’s construction. Gloria was the next to be replaced, as Cherry moved in. When Faith left, Palm City was without a sisterly villager, which nearly lasted the entire month. But when Cherry moved in, the island has a sisterly villager again. Finally, Andrea invited Prince the lazy frog to replace Phil, the first campsite-invited villager, and the last remaining original villager. Although Prince wouldn’t have moved in until September 1st, Palm City was no longer at its roots when Andrea first moved in. All ten villagers that were there during K.K. Slider’s first performance have moved away, and the landscape was changed into a Southern California-like landscape opposed to its uncharted island landscape.

One thing all ten villagers of Palm City had in common were that Andrea invited them by amiibo phone in Resident Services. Every day, she had to call them to the campsite. Also every day, she ordered five items from the shopping catalog, whether she got them for her wand outfit wardrobe, for the island’s exterior customization, or for her house. And in case of the latter, despite not being complete, she did manage to finish three rooms, which were the lobby, her apartment, and the diner below. Even if they were finished, Andrea wasn’t completely satisfied, so she planned on working at Happy Home Paradise, starting September 1st.

As a new month began for Palm City, summer is on its way out. During the core months of the summer, Andrea focused on changing the landscape and developing the island. Despite changing the landscape to follow her vision, Palm City wasn’t ready for tourism yet.

For the first ten days of September, Andrea spent most of her time at Happy Home Paradise. Over there, she decorated vacation houses for multiple clients, while learning new skills to enhance her interior design aspects when she designs her house or a villager house.

Meanwhile, Andrea also done more for the island. For instance, she had to focus on ordering furniture for her house, mostly wall furnishings such as party garlands. She also had to focus on donating to the Museum. On top of the fossils and art she received from Jenny early on, the month changes also meant new fish and insects coming in, while several others were on their way out.

Happy Home Paradise

The main focus on the first third of the month is working at Happy Home Paradise. Although she was already invited to work for Lottie back before K.K. Slider visited Palm City for the first time, she didn’t catch on until September began. Every day, she designed an average of five houses for the clients. Eloise was her first client, but Tank was her first client where she chose the plot and worked on designing the plot and exterior design. She also worked on Alli’s house on the first day. When she worked on Billy’s house, she learned how to shine furniture and other objects. She then went home after designing four houses.

On the second day of working for Happy Home Paradise, she worked on six clients’ houses, as well as the school. Her next two clients were Deirdre and Petri. After working on their houses, she began to focus on the school, her first facility. After working on the school, she designed houses for Willow, Flora, Pippy, and Tammi. Even with the limited resources Andrea had, she was very talented in home design. She doesn’t even consider rushing through designs. But after unlocking more items and features in the coming days, she has shown her full potential.

Some clients and facilities marked a special checkpoint for Andrea. She ranked up after designing houses for Petri, Rory, O’Hare, and the Able Sisters. After designing Billy’s house, she learned how to shine objects. Deirdre’s house was the first house where she learned how to change inclines and bridges in the plot. The school was where she learned to change the hallway floors and room sizes. Flora’s house was the first house to have wall partitions. Pippy was the first client she invited by amiibo phone. After designing Norma’s house, she learned more polishing effects. After designing the restaurant, she learned how to adjust lighting colors and brightness in rooms. Sydney’s house was the first house she used her DIY projects to decorate. Dizzy was the first roommate to assign to another client, which was Tank, her second client. Avery’s house was the first house she used sound effects. O’Hare’s house was the first two-story house she designed. The Café was the first projects where she used counters and corner posts. She learned more sound effects after designing Cyrano’s house, and later, Isabelle’s house. Frita’s house was the first house Andrea used her Nook Shopping catalog on. And Tom Nook was the first VIP client she designed the house of.

For the first six days, she primarily focused on regular clients’ houses. But once she built the Apparel Shop and had DJ KK host the party, she began working on the VIP clients’ houses, where she shown her full creative potential. For example, Tom Nook was given a luxurious mansion, reflecting his position as a CEO. Timmy’s and Tommy’s house was a true island vacation rental home. For Isabelle and Digby, she made two duplicate houses with different coats of paint. And K.K. Slider’s house had a concert room and a private bedroom. She worked on a total of 35 regular clients and 15 VIP clients, at least 7 of the 50 houses being shared with others (like Kapp’n and his family).

Paradise Facilities

The five facilities on Happy Home Paradise were empty at first, but by the time Andrea was finished with Happy Home Paradise, they were completed with a special theme.
  • The Home Design School was the first of the facilities, which she designed after working on six clients’ houses. Petri was the teacher, and the classes were on architecture, gardening, interior design, furniture production, and commercial design. All classes were computer-aided, as every student had a desktop computer to use.​
  • The Retro Diner was the next facility Andrea designed, which she modeled based on the diner as part of her hotel - a train-themed room with 50’s style diner furniture. She hired Alli and Deirdre to take up orders and receive payments, and Pippy and Tammi to work in the kitchen. It was first designed after working on 12 clients, and later received an expansion on the tenth day, where it got a private luxurious room. It was expanded right after the Café was expanded.​
  • The Island Classic Bakery was the third facility, which she designed after working on 20 clients. It was part-bakery, part-ice cream parlor, and part-coffee shop. Rory and O’Hare were the staff members of the bakery. It later received an expansion on the ninth day, right after she worked on 45 clients’ houses. It was changed to the Bakery and Tech Museum, where the gallery above was a museum of technology from both past and present.​
  • The Paradise Clinic was the fourth facility, which she designed after working on 24 clients’ houses. She hired Sydney as the doctor, and Norma as the receptionist. Opposed to the previous facilities she designed, she kept it generic, for that she sees hospitals as serious business. It was later expanded to have a patient ward, which was her first project on the eighth day, after working on 35 clients’ houses.​
  • The Island Clothing Shop was the last facility she worked on. Out of all the facilities she designed, this one was her least favorite, so she didn’t do something special besides have a bunch of shelves. She hired Eloise, her very first client, to work as the cashier.​
Palm City

Despite Happy Home Paradise being the main focus of the first ten days, Andrea didn’t forget about Palm City. In fact, she was interacting with all ten villagers every day while focusing on flower placement, lamp placement, and cactus placement. She came to a realization that the terracotta paths were not the best paths when placing on the desert sand, so on the third day, she designed new path patterns, which were to go through the desert. The terracotta paths were limited to the Shopping District and Museum District only.

The two biggest achievements back in Palm City were that Andrea finished designing her hotel, and the Museum’s fossil exhibition was completed. Every day, Andrea had to order five items to put in her hotel. She already got her apartment above and the diner below finished, as well as the lobby. Her next focus were on the hotel rooms and the kitchen. Due to Nook Inc’s strict ordering limits, it took her a while to finish her hotel. But once she got all the items in, combined with the light and sound effects she learned from Happy Home Paradise, she was finally finished with the hotel, as of September 9th. For the Museum, she typically donated four fossils and ten works of art per day, with some exceptions. But as soon as she was finished with Happy Home Paradise on September 10th, she also completed the fossil exhibition. The Museum has lot to go before it’s complete for good, but she already got the fossil exhibition finished. The Dinosaur Track was the last fossil she donated.


Throughout the rest of the summer, Andrea focused on remodeling villager homes. While she was previously granted the privilege to redesign her own villagers’ houses as soon as the Apparel Shop on Happy Home Paradise opened, she didn’t start focusing on that until designing houses for 50 clients. But on the day after Andrea’s last day at Happy Home Paradise, she worked on the villager houses.

Despite being easier since she’s working on smaller houses with more creative freedom, she only remodeled one house a day, which she did every day until all ten villagers are living in an Andrea-designed house. The earlier she invited a villager to live in Palm City through the amiibo service at the Nook Stop, the earlier she redesigned the villagers’ houses. For this reason, Rosie was the first villager she redesigned the house of, and Prince was the last.

Despite uniquenesses and similarities among all villager houses, the five things all villagers had in common were that they had a DIY workbench of some kind, a stove of some kind, a music player, a flower wreath, and the standard house model as the exterior design. Even if doors and roofs are colored differently, she wanted every house to remain consistent to make Palm City look nice.

Administrative District

The first four villagers Andrea invited back in August were Rosie, Apollo, Marshal, and Marina. All of them were residents of the Administrative District, the zone where Resident Services and the Airport were. As she previously had all four houses aligned, the next step was to redesign them to be more consistent to the district.

Because the Administrative District was right next to the beach, she turned all four of them into beach houses. Each house had white siding walls, wooden roof panels, a rustic door, and painted wooden walls and floors with a shaggy rug. The ambient sound effects were beach sounds, and the roof and door both had the same color on each house. Pansy wreaths were the door decoration since the dominant flower of the Administrative District was the pansy, and the wooden walls and floors on the inside essentially had the same color as the roof and door (with Marshal’s being the lone exception, as he had a red roof and red door to a house with white walls and white floor).

The furniture and wall decorations in each house resemble what a beach house looks like. Despite looking too similar, Andrea designed them differently. Rosie’s house looked like a house for friend overs. Apollo’s house was a cool person’s home. Marshal’s house had more gaming equipment. And Marina’s house was a place for guests to visit and eat at.

Museum District

The next three villagers Andrea designed the houses of were Roald’s, Fauna’s, and Fang’s houses. On the outside, the architecture followed the southwestern house style, just like Andrea’s house. As a California-born woman, Andrea wanted to make the entire island based on Southern California. As the Administrative District was more like Orange County, the Museum District was more like San Bernardino County (where she was born). On the inside, however, they were something else. Because the Museum has exhibits on both art and natural life that appear in certain seasons, each villager home was a seasonal showcase.

Fang and Fauna were forest animals, while Roald was an Antarctic animal. Therefore, Roald had a winter-themed house while Fauna and Fang had fall-themed houses. They even look like the outdoors. Roald’s house was more of a ski resort, Fauna’s was a maple leaf forest, and Fang’s was a mushroom forest. Common furniture used were the outdoor kitchen with a lantern, bird mobiles, and starry garlands (where Roald had blue, Fauna had pink, and Fang had green). That way, their houses would be more artsy than regular homes.

Finally, the common flower wreath used was the fancy rose wreath. The dominant flower of the district were the roses.

Shopping District

The last three houses Andrea remodeled were Queenie’s, Cherry’s, and Prince’s houses, all of which were in the Shopping District. Because the Shopping District was the most city-like district in Palm City, Andrea wanted the houses to look like proper city homes, with brick and stucco exteriors and metal roofs. Just like in the Administrative District and Museum District, all houses have the exact same type of walls of the exact same color, but the roofs and doors were different in color. Additionally, the roof’s color was the same as the door’s color on the same house for every house. Tulips were the dominant flower of the Shopping District, so Andrea had pretty tulip wreathes on each house.

In stark contrast to how the houses in the Museum District were designed, the Shopping District’s houses had the exact same layout in every house. Some of the furniture items were the same. The differences were the wall colors and furniture styles, as well as the TVs used. Queenie’s furniture followed a more luxurious style. Cherry’s furniture was more fancy, yet not as luxurious. And Prince’s house had cabana-style furniture. The styles were even intended to match the villagers’ personalities. For instance, Prince was the most child-like villager of the district. So he was given furniture based on what would be more fun and less fancy.

To resemble basic city homes, they all had a bed with two nightstands and lamps, a couch with a console table and a TV, a dresser with a radio, and a small kitchen. Compared to the other villagers, the DIY and cooking aspects were minimized in favor of a more basic living, but were still used so everyone can make DIY projects and cook something.

Palm City

Villager homes weren’t the only thing Andrea designed. She also finished designing the landscape of Palm City. Outside the three districts were the desert wilds. Cacti and retro transportation stops were placed to look like an actual desert to wander. There were also ruined spots to resemble ruins of ancient civilizations. As soon as she finished designing the villager houses, she was also finished with landscaping Palm City.

Three days after Andrea finished the fossil exhibition, she also finished the art exhibition in the Museum. By then, all she has left to finish were the aquarium and bug exhibition. The good news is that she got the majority of the donations finished. The bad news was that she has to catch fish and bugs all year to finish the Museum, at least up until March. But with Palm City essentially finished, there wasn’t much to do. Not that it mattered since Andrea worked all summer to design the island she wanted to live on. Since she set up her tent on the island, she spent every day, preparing houses for more villagers, building Nook’s Cranny, the Able Sisters, the Museum, and the Campsite, terraforming the island, replacing the villagers, designing her house, working at Happy Home Paradise, and remodeling the villager houses. Since she has retired, all she would like is a break. But she wasn’t able to get it when she moved to the island.

There were still a few things left in order for Palm City to be complete. One was that the Museum needs donations. The other was that Palm City still doesn’t have any additional houses. Andrea’s house may have been finished and beautifully designed, but that was just the beginning. She has already prepared the plots for three more houses. She can finally take a break and relax on the island in the coming months, but others will have a lot of work to be done when they move to Palm City.


Summary and Background

As the first quarter on Palm City wraps up, which is the third quarter of 2024, Andrea spent the rest of the month, relaxing. For the first two months on Palm City, she worked a lot, with August being the busiest month. She also spent a lot of time trying to build both Palm City and Happy Home Paradise. As much as she wanted to rest after 21 years of managing a restaurant, the island wasn’t really suited for her. So she had to fix the island. But as soon as she got everything done in Palm City, it was time to finally relax, which she has been waiting for.

Before moving to Palm City, 2024 was not a good year for her. She has been hospitalized for UTI, her restaurant went out of business after 12 consecutive months of profit losses, her husband died of a heart attack, her youngest daughter died in a car accident, and her only son abandoned her family in favor of fame. While her three brothers and two parents were alive and well as of 2024, all she had left from the Casa family was her oldest daughter. 2023 didn’t go well for her either, as it was initially her worst year of life until everything that went wrong in 2024 happened.

The hardships she went through in 2024 got her moving back with her parents, who moved to San Antonio some time while Andrea was running her restaurant. Her three brothers, who were either unmarried or divorced, also moved back with their parents. It was like for the first time since their college years, they were finally living together as a family. The Rumble family was back together.

Initially, she decided to stay with her original family that she grew up with, but after her father got a Desert Island Getaway Package from Nook Inc in the mail, she planned on moving to the deserted island. Her father turned down the package since he was too old to start a new adventure, but he didn’t want to waste it. Instead, the children, who were now in their 40’s, wanted to go. But since they only got one package, they decided to play a four-player board game, where the winner earns the getaway package. Andrea, who never won a single board game against her brothers, won for the first time. Therefore, she was given the prize and left to the deserted island.

After starting a new life on Palm City, 2024 began to turn around. Although she had to work for it, she got what she wanted in a world of her own. The whole purpose of making Palm City a desert was to re-live her childhood, or at least her teenage years. As for making her house a hotel, it’s because she initially wanted to run a hotel as her dream job, but it was more practical to run a restaurant, which was more profitable and something that she can run with her cooking skills. As for having a diner attached to her hotel, it’s not just a reflection of her working life, but also how she feels that lodging needs a foodservice unit. She had a kitchen in the back since it was needed for both the diner and room service. And the apartment above reflects her rich lifestyle back when she was a child.


While there were a few areas that needed more work on, she completed almost everything she needed to do on Palm City. Within the first three months, she got it developed into an actual town, terraformed the island, used city planning to build the three districts surrounded by the desert wilds, designed vacation homes for 50 clients, built all five facilities in Happy Home Paradise, remodeled all of the villager houses, and completed both the fossil and art exhibitions in the Museum. Even if the fish, insects, and deep sea creatures weren’t fully completed, she already donated over 75% of the creatures to the Museum.

Although she has prepared the plots for three more houses, the houses have yet to be built. They were specifically prepared for her daughter and her friends, but they were too busy to come right away. Since Palm City was ready, they would have much fewer obstacles to development than what Andrea went through during the summer months.


October Summary

Three months after Palm City was established as a town, and three months after Andrea moved in, her 24-year-old daughter Lola has moved in. She would’ve moved in earlier, but since she was still working on her Master’s degree in Physics, she couldn’t move in until October 2nd. Her husband was planning on moving in, but he decided to stay in the US with their newborn son.

Since Andrea was done with her duties, Lola was in the spotlight for the month of October. She started her island life, worked at Happy Home Paradise, fully renovated her house, and decorated it to perfection, all within the first 20 days of October. She also worked on her insect and fish encyclopedias, but not to the same extent her mother was fulfilling hers.

Lola’s house being finished marked one more milestone in Palm City’s completion. There were still two more houses to work on, and the Museum is still not completed.

Lola’s Summary

24-year-old Lola Garcia moved into Palm City on October 2nd, 2024, exactly three months and one day after Andrea moved in. She picked the empty plot with the boardwalk surrounded by ice fences as where her house will be. Her plans were to turn her house into a winter-themed carnival. Compared to Andrea’s house, her house was more DIY-based, as the majority of the furniture were DIY objects, mostly made by her mother, but customized by her.

While Lola was expanding her house with the help from her mother, she worked on each room individually. The center room was where the market was, with three paths to other places. In the back was the Aurora dining area, where one could eat outside and watch the aurora borealis. The left room and right rooms were both mirrors of each other, where they had a carnival ride, a lamp, a bench, two illuminated arts, and a carnival stand. The one on the left had the merry-go-round and smoothie stand, while the one on the right had the tart stand.

Below the house was a dining cabin, which is like an amusement park restaurant. And above the house was her apartment, which she planned on sharing with her husband and her son.

Other than working on her house, Lola didn’t do much. She wasn’t as social with the other animals as Andrea was. When she worked in Happy Home Paradise, she did a subpar job in comparison to what Andrea did. She did work enough to learn customized lighting, hallways, ambient sounds, and polishing effects, but she didn’t go as far as designing houses for 20 clients. She was less interested than Andrea was.

Andrea’s Summary

Since Andrea did all of the work she could have done during the first three months, she can finally relax. However, she had to do other tasks to prevent boredom. She remembered back during her restaurant-running days, it was a challenge to keep it open amid competition from a much greedier restaurant. But when she got to the top and got that restaurant shut out of business, she found competition to be boring. She couldn’t compete when her restaurant was the only one on the street. She didn’t want a repeat of history, so she did some work.

Aside to helping Lola with her house and future homes, the biggest things she done involved celebrating the events that occurred in Palm City. This time, she participated in the Fishing Tourney, which she previously held no interest into. Within one day, she worked herself to earning 300 points, allowing her to collect all three trophies and everything else C.J. had to offer. She also collected candies from Timmy and Tommy, some for Halloween, others for storage. She didn’t pass out much candy for Halloween since she learned all of the recipes, but she did learn two new reactions and earned a couple prizes.

At the beginning of the month, she focused on expanding her storage since there were a few things left. She also caught new fish, insects, and deep sea creatures since a new month started.

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