The Phoenix and the Edge- A Poem


Senior Member
Jul 6, 2005
My sister and I were talking about a poetry assignment, and I was throwing ideas at her, about what to write. One such suggestion was a poem about Phoenix Wright. I became inspired, so I sat down, and wrote it. (Mainly in health class.)

I showed it to a friend of mine, and she, being a rabid yaoi fangirl, said it was yaoi. I then objected at how it was I just like my poem.

This is a poem about Phoenix and Edgeworth.

The Phoenix and the Edge

The prosecutor, proud and cold
Eyes full of ice and pain
Mind sharp as the edge of a sword
His objections are the blade of the guilt
That's pretty good, actually! The rhythm is off at times, though, and it I can see what your friend meant by saying it resembled yaoi a bit.

Bulerias said:
That's pretty good, actually! The rhythm is off at times, though, and it I can see what your friend meant by saying it resembled yaoi a bit.

IF yaoi means man+ man, then yes, I see that too.
dragonflamez said:
Bulerias said:
That's pretty good, actually! The rhythm is off at times, though, and it I can see what your friend meant by saying it resembled yaoi a bit.

IF yaoi means man+ man, then yes, I see that too.
Yes, that's what it means. >_>
I agree. The rythm was a bit off...

And it would only seem yaoi to someone that hasn't played the game, I think...
Thanks for the comments, everyone!

I agree that my rhythm was off at times, but I'm fine with that.

I did lend my yaoi-obsessed friend Phoenix Wright, so her opinion may change. But probably not. :lol:

I showed it to one of my teachers, and she loved it!
