The Return


Fairy Queen from Majesty
Aug 30, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Wow, it's been a LONG time. I've kinda stopped playing Animal Crossing, so this website was kinda pushed to the back of my mind and forgotten. Surprisingly, not much has happened. My family is a bit shaky right now thought, and I'm going to graduate high school in exactly 2 weeks. It's scary to think about...already an adult and going off to college...of course saying this really annoys my boyfriend (yes, we are still together after more than a year).

I just had a pretty bad fight with him...I don't really wanna talk about it, but I'm glad to say that I'm pretty sure the situation has been resolved. He says he still loves me no matter what, and that makes me happy. He also apologized to me, which I was afraid he would never do. Well, there is one good thing that can come of this. Staying together and keeping our bond strong even after all the stress and strain is remarkable, especially when it's a long distance relationship. I really hope he didn't mean the rude things he said though...he said I didn't deserve it but still, you know?

Do I still have a problem with my negativity? Well, I would like to think I'm getting better. I still have issues, but I'm working on it. Old habits die pretty hard. It's easy to think so down because when it turns out you were right all along, it kind of gives you some sort of right. I always like to think that the main reason why I talk to down is because there have been times where I would be optimistic, but turn out to be wrong and just end up disappointed. I got sick of that happening.

Anyway, before I start rambling about that...I have cool news.

I just recently got into my very first main Pokemon game, Pokemon Platinum. My friend (the one who is like a sister to me, I've mentioned her before) let me borrow it until the end of the school year, and I've been playing now for 3 months. I know, I'm super late to the Pokemon craze...but hey, better late than never right? XD

I have played other spinoff games like Pokemon Snap (super awesome game, too bad I can no longer play it ;-;), Pokemon Channel (don't care what people say about it, it's super chill and I love it), Pokemon Battle Revolution (only good thing was 3D models...everything else was poop ;-;), Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (pretty cool, but was lacking in some areas), Super Mystery Dungeon (story was awesome, only thing was the stupid difficulty), and I tried out the Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Demo and got myself a free Glalie :3.

On Feb. 4th, I first tried Pokemon Platinum. I gotta say, I was hooked XD. I feel bad for not giving Pokemon a chance earlier, but at least I did now and figured out it was cool XD. I've got about 150 hours clocked in, and I've beaten the Pokemon League, caught all 11 legendaries ( event Pokemon though), and caught myself 3 shinies so far. I'm currently on the hunt for at least 1 more shiny before I return the game and tranfer my Pokemon to Pokemon X. Honestly, I felt a little bad for asking my friend to breed me Pokemon and whatnot. It's too bad she's so good that there is nothing i can really give. Oh well.

I have a shiny Luxio, Altaria, and Metagross right now. I'm looking for shiny Skitty on route 222 I think it was. It's funny how i caught these shinies...The shinx was by far the easiest. I mean, it did take me a while to fully understand how to use the Pokeradar and chain, but after i got used to it, finding the shiny shinx was no problem. I literally had a chain of about 5 and i found one already. Used false swipe, threw a Primier (don't know how to spell x-x) Ball, and *click*. First shiny! My friend was like, "It took me 6 years to find me first shiny...and it took you 3 MONTHS?!" XD Then I was like, why not find another one? So i went after a shiny Swablu. They are so aborable with their cotton wings and tiny beaks ;-; i just had to get it. It took me a little bit more time, but the very next day after catching shiny shix, i caught a shiny swablu. Now I was feeling very confident, because I only had a chain of about 20-25 before finding swablu. False swipe, Ultra Ball (i think, not too sure), and *click*! Second shiny already! Then I'm like "Ok, any other shinies I might want? I saw a shiny Beldum and it was so awesome looking. White and gold bruh! I had my next target.

Let me tell you a tale of how much torture it was trying to FIND one let alone CATCH one. I had no idea what i was getting into.

First off, Beldum is a swarm pokemon, meaning the only time you see it is if you have the National Pokedex and talk to Lucas/Dawn's sister about which pokemon seems to be swarming on the news that day. I had to change my clock on my DS 10 TIMES in order to get Beldum to swarm. Not hard, just very, I go to the route they are on. 228. That route is next to Stark Mountain I believe, and it has a CONSTANT SANDSTORM. This reduces my visability to like...70%. ;-; Also, my pokemon recieve damage continuously if they are not a steel or ground type. I literally spend hours and hours i this small patch of grass, resetting the radar over and over and over. Then FINALLY, I see my first shiny beldum (this was last night). I get so excited and think hard about what to do. Since beldum is part steel, false swipe does crap to it (plus most of my pokemon are much weaker in terms of level...). And apparently, beldum ONLY knows the move Take down, which deals recoil damage of 25%. Yipee...I say. Theres one more thing...for some random reason beldum has a catch rate of 3...which is the same as legendaries I've heard. I hang on for as long as i can, accidentaly paralyzing it. It runs out of PP for its take down move, and starts using struggle. I hurry and use fling to restore half of its PP for that move, but its health is now in the red. One take down and its over. I threw 2 Balls, and it didnt work. It finally used Take down and killed itself. I was so upset.

Not only that, but i accidentally broke my chain of 40 after the battle...meaning i had to start from square one all over again. ;-; Eventually, i finally found another one and kept putting it to sleep with hypnosis. I threw a Dusk Ball and...*click*! I was freaking out XD

After that awesome adventure, I had one more shiny on my list for the time being. Skitty. When i first started Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, i remember wanting to be a Pikachu, so i had my friend look up the right answers of the personality quiz to be one. Before that though, I wondered what pokemon i would be if i answered truthfully. I found out i was a Naive Skitty. For some reason, this connected with me. So when looking for a shiny i might want, i saw Skitty and was like "Sure, ok." Let me tell you, it is SO MUCH easier than frikin beldum XD. Haven't caught one yet, but i certainly will.

The strongest pokemon that I have is my level 100 Electivire. I originally got him from my Pokemon Battle Revolution as some sort of cheat code when i first started Platinum. Sadly, he was level 50, meaning i couldnt effectivelly use him until i got 4 badges. ;-; Eventually, I had him learn moves that were very versatile. Thunderpunch (stronger since he's an electric type, got flying and water type foes covered), Fire Punch (bug, grass, steel, and ice type foes now covered), Ice Punch (dragon and ground type covered), and Earthquake (electric, fire, rock, and poison types covered). Electivires literal highest stat is Attack, and all moves have an accuracy of 100. His speed is also pretty awesome, usually making him the first one to act. Finally, with his ability motor drive, this makes him immune to electric type attacks. His weakness? EARTHQUAKE. Boy, is it terrible...Electivires lowest stat is defense...and he is also an electric type...this makes fighting ground types very dangerous. Overall though, being effective against half of all the types and being immune to electric type attacks have made him the boss of all my pokemon XD

If you guys need some tips on finding shinies in Platinum or anything, feel free to ask. I'd also be glad to share the tales of my pokemon adventures. I will possibly make some sort of journal on my next adventure in pokemon X. Thanks to all who read these blogs ^_^
