⭐️ The Story of Moondrop Island ⭐️

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Legendary Clown
May 13, 2020
(This is an embellished/fanfic-like island journal. Updates will come when something interesting happens in my game, or when I feel like it.)

⭐️The Premise and Bakground ⭐

Moondrop Island is a tiny uncharted island somewhere in the northern Caribbean Sea, originally inhabited by only furries—two-legged talking animal creatures!

Furries are not found anywhere else on Earth, aside from tiny uncharted islands. A long time ago, furries and humans coexisted. But furries eventually were mistreated. An elder furry with magical powers erased all humans’ memory of them, and they all fled to small uncharted islands, hidden by mystic forces.

There were no humans who knew of the existence of these furries, or of these seemingly mystical islands, until a small boat sailing from an island in the Bahamas in got into a shipwreck during what was supposed to be a three-hour whale-watching tour.

Everyone on the boat survived, and miraculously washed up on the gently moonlit shores of Moondrop Island 2:00 that morning.

Tom Nook takes in the castaways, gives them homes on the island, and lets them pay with a spontaneous form of currency he comes up with—Nook Miles. He offers the Nook Miles as a reward for improving the island.

In the meantime, he and everyone else are putting together all their knowledge and trying to build a GPS that can track the island’s location in the world to lead the castaways back home.

However, since the furries cannot go back to the human world and show themselves to people, that would mean... they’d have to say goodbye forever...

(The island’s paths and decor are incomplete and are in progress as of now.)



⭐️ Human Residents ⭐

(I mistakenly mentioned in another post that my human characters were all OCs, this was an accident. Haku and Teto are from Vocaloid/UTAU, Nico and Rin are from Love Live! School Idol Project.)

Pastell Sugar (Original character (self-insert)
Age- 22
Birthday- February 4
Favorite song- My Place
Very naive and expressive, animated, eccentric. Can be quite moody. Some may say Pastell is annoying. Pastell’s moods can come in as many “colors” as the rainbow. Pastell is creative and likes to make the mundane things exciting. She also likes to exaggerate things. Pastell likes to create things such as art or decorations, and pretend she’s doing magic in the process. Pastell gets along well with Haku, and Pekoe. Rodeo is her snack buddy.

Haku Yowane (Vocaloid)
Age- 24
Birthday- November 21
Favorite song- Stale Cupcakes
Haku is wistful and emotional, and at times dreary. A bit of a crybaby. Likes music, but is too shy to perform in front of others. She has a plush cat named Snowbell that she carries around everywhere. She gets along quite well with Pastell and Goldie. Haku is a very caring person who likes to help with her friends’ problems. However, she can be hard on herself a lot. She also likes writing stories and poems. Before ending up on Moondrop, Haku’s friends back at home were Miku, Neru, Luka, Kaito, Akaito, and her older brother Dell.

Rhona Aequor (Original character)
Age- 24
Birthday- March 10
Favorite song- K.K. Bossa
Stoic and mysterious. Appears strict, but is misunderstood. Actually a very kind person. A lover of all things related to water and the ocean. A marine biologist. Loves fish and marine creatures. She is very fascinated with Flo and Sly, who are both marine creatures... but as furries. Rhona loves to swim, and is a free-diver. Rhona is calm and collected... usually. She can go nuts about fish and can spend hours at the museum, either looking at fish exhibits, or chattering with Blathers. Back at home, she has a girlfriend, Nagisa. Rhona often thinks and worries about Nagisa, longing to see her again and to let her know she’s safe.

Nico Yazawa (Love Live!)
Age- 22
Birthday- July 22
Favorite song- K.K. Bubblegum
Nico is a dweeb. But she still thinks she’s better than you. Nico is quite self-centered and troublesome. She’s usually the one causing the most drama out of the group. She especially doesn’t get along with Luana... at first, anyway. Nico wants to be the biggest pop-star on the island! (Sorry, Audie.) And soon, the world! But Nico has very bad luck and things keep on getting in her way! Such as tarantulas! Nico actually gets along well with Vladimir, because they’re both too short to be taken seriously. She ends up keeping a talking pet tarantula in her house named Terry. Back at home, Nico’s friends are Maki, Eli, and Nozomi.

Rin Hoshizora (Love Live!)
Age- 20
Birthday- November 1
Favorite song- Rockin’ K.K.
Rin is cheerful, energetic, and the life of the party. She is spontaneous and likes animals a lot. She even has her own catchphrase, much like a furry... it’s “nya!” When Rin discovers furries, and the fact humans mistreated them, she feels angry at humanity. Rin gets along great with Audie. Rin is usually the one throwing all the parties on the island, and organizing the fun sport and game events. She is usually filled with energy. But deep inside, she can be quite emotional. Back at home, Rin’s best friend is Hanayo. Her other friends are Kotori, Umi, and Honoka.

Luana Kai (Original character)
Age- 23
Birthday- July 7
Favorite song- K.K. Adventure
Luana is a fearless, impulsive daredevil. She leaps before she looks, and she’s brave to a fault. She can be obnoxiously brash. She’s also the one who got everyone into this mess... Luana was the captain of the small boat, When the storm came, she refused to turn the boat back. Luana is a huge tomboy and has always dreamed of being a pirate. She likes the ocean as well, and has a intriguing fascination with geography and geology. She doesn’t know a thing about technology, but her knowledge goes to good use with making the GPS. Nico and Luana are rivals. Back at home, her friends she left behind are Umiko, and her older sister Oliana.

Teto Kasane (Vocaloid)
Age- 21
Birthday- April 1
Favorite song- K.K. Stroll
Teto comes off as weird and hyperactive. She likes memes and uses them a lot in conversation. She is often called annoying. However, Teto is an awkward and modest girl who just isn’t that good at making friends. She is often cheerful and likes to help people. She can be clumsy and sometimes doesn’t know what to say and is awkward. Teto has a big appetite and likes to bake and cook, especially sweets. Teto gets along well with Bettina, who understands her well. Back at home, her friends were Gumi, Gakupo, Meiko, Rin, and Len.

Octavia Scherzando (Original character)
Age- 25
Birthday- October 30
Favorite song- K.K. Fusion
Outgoing and charismatic, yet sentimental. The most mature one of the human group. Also the responsible one. The fun “mom friend.” Her hobby is music. She plays the electric bass and piano. She also dances. Rumor has it that she once was a school idol back in high school, but she won’t talk about it. Apparently she also used to sing. But something must have happened, because nobody has really heard her sing either. Can her mysterious past ever be revealed? Octavia gets along well with Shep. She keeps a talking black bass in her house. The fish, not the instrument. Back at home, she leaves behind her close friend Aria, and friends from high school, Hibiki, Ursula, Santana, and Ruya.


The crew is here, cosplaying as magical girls! You can see their personalities and even their dynamics in their expressions.

From left to right: Nico, Rhona, Haku, Pastell, Octavia, Teto, Rin, Luana.

⭐️ Animal Residents ⭐

Furries have the same lifespans as humans, meaning they age the same in years. 18 in human years is 18 in furry years, regardless of the species of the furry.

Flo the penguin
Age- 23
Birthday- September 2
Flo is a mostly laid-back penguin, though she can have quite a temper when it comes to people being unfair. Her hobby is music, and her style is mostly punk.

Pekoe the cub
Age- 19
Birthday- May 18
Pekoe is a very kind and sweet bear. She can be a bit timid, and sometimes worries she isn’t that interesting. She is a great listener and sometimes can be quirky.

Audie the wolf
Age- 26
Birthday- August 31
Audie is a very outgoing and expressive wolf. She can be excitable, and uses a lot of language like “fabulous.” She is unexpectedly very tough and can be a “mama bear,” fiercely protecting her friends in need.

Shep the sheepdog
Age- 24
Birthday- November 24
Shep is a fashionista, and a bit of a hipster. He’s always on top of what’s cool and unique. He talks in a way that’s almost hard to decipher for people who are unfamiliar to his “brand” of “lingo.”

Portia the dalmatian
Age- 25
Birthday- October 25
Portia is a glamorous and stylish young lady who loves fashion, and may seem a little self-absorbed at times. She doesn’t judge other people based on looks, however,

Sly the alligator
Age- 20
Birthday- November 15
Sly is an alligator who loves to play and work out. His favorite sport is football (the kind where you throw the ball and tackle.) He also likes to swim. He is always enthusiastic and raring to go, but is very patient and understanding towards those who can’t keep up with him.

Vladimir the cub
Age- 28
Birthday- August 2
Vladimir is a grumpy little bubblegum pink bear who is never taken seriously because he is small and cute. He is therefore always angry and annoyed with people. He gets along with Nico because of similar problems. He can be kind when not angered... just don’t call him adorable.

Goldie the golden retriever
Age- 21
Birthday- December 27
Goldie loves flowers and nature, and loves to be outdoors. She is calm, humble, and polite, but can be angered easily by people who think they’re better than others. She doesn’t really get along well with Shep...

Rodeo the bull
Age- 22
Birthday- October 29
Rodeo is a laid-back, gentle bull who loves things like flowers, snacks, watching the clouds drift by, and taking naps. He gets along well with Pastell for these reasons. He is very relaxed, but sometimes he likes to work out, at the prompt of Audie.

Bettina the mouse
Age- 20
Birthday- June 12
Bettina is a chipper, kind mouse who likes cooking. Her favorite foods are pasta dishes with cheese in them. She likes to read books, and her favorites are usually mystery novels or classic children’s literature.

⭐️ Island Staff, Shopkeepers, Other ⭐

Tom Nook
Age- 40

Age- 8

Age- 8

Age- 27

Age- 28

Age- 33

Age- 24

Age- 46

Age- 26

Age- 21

Age- 23

Age- 30

Age- 42

Wisp the ghost
Age- ??

⭐️ The Story Thus Far... ⭐

Luana, working part time as a resort in the Bahamas, was the captain of a small tour boat. Rhona was the assistant captain and tour guide for what was supposed to only be a three-hour whale-watching tour...

When they headed for a storm out in the open sea, Luana was reckless and refused to turn back, even though Rhona warily advised her to retreat. All the passengers had a bad feeling about it.

Pastell was sitting next to Haku, whom she had just met, and had been having a conversation with her. Nico and Rin had just met, and were sitting next to each other as well. Teto was meanwhile trying to make friends with Octavia, the “mysterious pretty lady” sitting in the shade. Her bouncy and hyper personality repelled most people, but Octavia found it endearing...

Now everyone was panicking.

The intense storm grew stronger, and eventually flipped over and wrecked the boat once it was out in the open sea. The strong current swept away the parts and passengers to a nearby mysterious island…

2:00 AM.

Everyone’s waterlogged bodies are spread across different parts of the island’s beaches. Pekoe walks out of her house... to see Pastell’s unconscious body on the sand. She gets the shock of her life! Is it really... a human!? She’s only seen illustrations of humans in books, and only heard of them through stories passed down through generations. Humans were never known for being nice to furries.

This human, however, looked like it needed help. What was Pekoe to do?

Pekoe panics, and goes to the house of someone she can trust. She goes over to Goldie’s place in a confused panic...

⭐️ The Shenanigans Won’t Stop! ⭐

The secret to Octavia’s past: Octavia WAS a school idol back in her high school days. Back then, her short hair was long and wavy, her bangs covered her eyes and face, and she dressed in frilly clothes. Her alter ego back in high school was Mia Okuda. That’s because, if you write “Octavia” in Japanese kanji, it can be 「奥田美亜」which can be pronounced as “Okuda Mia.” In Japan, last names come first.

When Octavia/Mia Okuda was 18, something humiliating happened to her, and she never sang again... However, she picked up learning to play the electric bass, cut her long hair, and began to craft a new image for herself... as Octavia.

It just so turns out that Nico is a fan of Mia Okuda, the mysterious retired school idol with a frilly-gothic image, long black hair, and a deep, velvety voice. But Nico doesn’t know that Mia Okuda is actually Octavia back in high school, and she’s so bad at telling people by faces, that she has no clue.

When Octavia first comes into Nico’s room, she sees a poster of Mia Okuda hanging on the wall. (Don’t ask why that was being sold in Nook’s Cranny. I know it makes no sense.)

“This is one of my favorite idols.” Nico says. “She’s pretty obscure. You probably don’t know of her.”

Octavia wants to keep her old secret identity, well... a secret. But the talking black bass that she keeps in her room keeps encouraging her to start singing again, even after the event that made her stop.

One day, Octavia is singing alone in her room again for the first time, and Nico hears a voice that’s undeniably the voice of one of her favorite idols. She runs straight into Octavia’s house to tell her, “OH MY GOSH, MIA OKUDA IS ON THE ISLAND, I HEAR HER SINGING.”

When Nico realizes Octavia was singing, the pieces finally click... Octavia was Mia Okuda all along! Nico faints dramatically and theatrically.


In the next story, Nico is terrified of tarantulas. However, tarantulas unfortunately love her. Nico Yazawa has a huge cult following of tarantulas, as she is the most popular school idol in tarantula society...

Nico and Luana also don’t get along at all at first. Nico is a total diva, and Luana is a total slob.

Nico uses her Nook Mikes ticket at the same time as Luana, and they have to go to the same island. The island is infested with tarantulas everywhere. (Also, please don’t ask how they can do mystery island tours without a GPS, lol)

Nico is terrified. The tarantulas however, adore Nico and want to get her autograph, so they climb on her. Nico screams for Luana to help her. Luana fearlessly pulls out her net and attempts to rescue Nico from the tarantulas by just catching all of them. However, the tarantulas see Luana as a threat and run up to her, biting her simultaneously and knocking her out with their poison. Nico faints from the shock (again), leaving her terrrifying tarantula fans to climb over her and steal her belongings as souvenirs.

Nico and Luana are rescued and they go back home. Nico apologizes to Luana and thanks her for trying to save her, and they form a friendship from them on.

However, Nico accidentally takes one tarantula back with her. She eventually ends up keeping him as a pet. His name is Terry and he can talk. He becomes like Nico’s sidekick and partner in crime. Nico looks to Terry for advice.


In one story, everyone fights over what the town tune should be. To compromise, everyone puts two notes of their favorite song and make a brand new song out of all their songs altogether.

The end result song ends up sounding like a disaster. It gets stuck in the heads of everyone on the island and drives the population crazy.