• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.



pudding dog.
Mar 25, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Rainbow Star Fragment
Spring Sakura
Dreamy Easter Egg
Spring Sakura
Flower Glow Wand
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Post sp00ky stuff m8.
Creepyspagettos make me gag pls no.

One cold winter night, sixteen year old Kelly Sanders was home alone, as her parents had gone out to a dinner party at a friend's house. It had been snowing all afternoon, but had just recently stopped. After studying for a while, she decides to relax a little- after all, she finally had the house to herself. She makes some popcorn, gets a nice warm, fuzzy blanket, and snuggles under it to watch one of her favorite movies. In their lounge room, the television is positioned a few feet in front of the glass sliding door that leads to the patio and backyard. By midnight, Kelly's parents are still not home, and she begins to feel uneasy, but refuses to call them, for risk of sounding like she couldn't take care of herself. Suddenly, her eye catches a glint of light from behind the TV, and right there, just outside the glass door, was a crazy-eyed man, grinning maliciously at her, and holding a long, narrow blade in his left hand. Terrified, the girl panics, pulls the blanket up over her head and grabs the cordless phone by her side. Kelly calls the police, and as luck would have it, there was a patrol car less than a block from her house. In a matter of seconds, two officers are on the scene and Kelly tells them about the armed man staring through the glass. The first officer opens the sliding door and looks around the area. After a few moments, she turns and explains to Kelly that there couldn't have been anyone standing out there, as there would have been footprints in the snow. The second officertells her that she is probably just tired and her imagination was playing tricks on her. He beckoned at the TV where the horror movie she had been watching was still playing. "Stuff like that didn't help matters, either,'' he said smiling. Kelly smiled too, more at her own immaturity than the officer's remark, still a little shaken. As the police are about to leave, the male officer stops and looks behind the sofa that Kelly had been sitting on. His jaw drops and eyes widen in shock. Kelly and the other officer notice his reaction and follow his gaze; they both gasp. There were wet footprints and a discarded knife on the carpet behind the couch. Kelly hadn't seen the man outside he door; she'd seen his reflection when he was standing behind her.​
One time there was a video game and the video game was hawnted and the cartridge came to lyfe even when i didn't turn it on such spook much scary and then it said my name thru the tv and i wuz like GASP how did u kno and the voice was comin from sanic and he had red hair insted of bloo and he say 'YOU HAD PIZZA FOR DINNER' and i was like '!!!! THATS RIGHT!!!!' and he stuck out his middle finger to me and said 'THATS NO GOOD' and then i had a heart attack and DIED!!!!

My favorite creepy pasta in all seriousness though is a toss up between Polybius and the abandoned Disney themepark, where the guy stumbles upon it and he finds character costumes with human remains in them, the description is so disgusting. I'm sure there's a thousand of those kinds of stories now, but it's one of the first I think, I wonder if anyone remembers that one in particular!
if you havent already, the creepypastas that you must read are "1999", "candle cove", "psychosis", and "mr widemouth". Basically all the popular ones, but their the best.
NoSleep has lots of scary stories and tales that are well written and thought out.

Currently reading Dr. Margin's Guide and this is the best one I've read so far! Makes me cry with how good it is tbh

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One time there was a video game and the video game was hawnted and the cartridge came to lyfe even when i didn't turn it on such spook much scary and then it said my name thru the tv and i wuz like GASP how did u kno and the voice was comin from sanic and he had red hair insted of bloo and he say 'YOU HAD PIZZA FOR DINNER' and i was like '!!!! THATS RIGHT!!!!' and he stuck out his middle finger to me and said 'THATS NO GOOD' and then i had a heart attack and DIED!!!!

My favorite creepy pasta in all seriousness though is a toss up between Polybius and the abandoned Disney themepark, where the guy stumbles upon it and he finds character costumes with human remains in them, the description is so disgusting. I'm sure there's a thousand of those kinds of stories now, but it's one of the first I think, I wonder if anyone remembers that one in particular!

Ohhh I read that one before!! That one was really good.

One of the first creepypastas I read was Happy Appy. Scared the **** out of me.

For some reason, I prefer reading horror rather than seeing it. I hate jumpscares so much and every horror movie uses them smh
like can u not??? there are actual ways of making ppl feel scared other than jumpscares

NoSleep has lots of scary stories and tales that are well written and thought out.

Currently reading Dr. Margin's Guide and this is the best one I've read so far! Makes me cry with how good it is tbh

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Ohhh I read that one before!! That one was really good.

One of the first creepypastas I read was Happy Appy. Scared the **** out of me.

For some reason, I prefer reading horror rather than seeing it. I hate jumpscares so much and every horror movie uses them smh
like can u not??? there are actual ways of making ppl feel scared other than jumpscares

I agree, I hate jumpscares, they're so cheap. Of course anyone would be startled by a loud random noise or a door slamming or someone popping up onto the screen, it doesn't take any amount of thinking to write that in. It's the lowest form of scaring someone. Psychological horror all the way! I love something that builds natural tension and atmosphere.

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a walkthrough of the paris catacombs

There was a creepy story about this (and probably many more now) but this one in particular was where people found a camera randomly abandoned in the catacombs, very deep, and the camera footage is taken in first person with a man walking and all of a sudden he starts running as if something is chasing him, and this goes on as he twists and turns through passageways, his breathing becoming very labored and he seems very paranoid of whatever's after him, until he finally drops the camera into a puddle of water and you see him run away.
I agree, I hate jumpscares, they're so cheap. Of course anyone would be startled by a loud random noise or a door slamming or someone popping up onto the screen, it doesn't take any amount of thinking to write that in. It's the lowest form of scaring someone. Psychological horror all the way! I love something that builds natural tension and atmosphere

I know! Sadly, it's really hard to find movies that don't have jumpscares. I want real horror. Something that makes me think twice before opening that door. Makes me think if there are things that actually go bump in the night. smh

the scariest sppook i ever did was when iw as playing paper mario and the desert scared me out of sleep
posts some actual scary stuff on here

post creepypastas you love // have scared you to death!

horror manga is really good too! my favorite author is junji ito. holy crap his art style just fits it his stories are usually very interesting.

Uzumaki and the Group Suicide are my favorites! ;v;
Bros, like don't talk about the things, just post the stories for me to read. But of meaners