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4 of my favorite nosleep stories! The first and third one are only snippets of the story bc. they're rlly long and stuff. Making an exception for the second one bc. I love it so much.

Okay guys, before I begin, I gotta give you a fair warning. This story is absolutely true unfortunately. It is also very long. It goes back to my childhood, but it wasn?t as terrifying until very recently. Now I am completely lost in fear. I am an adult man, logical and intelligent (or I?d like to believe so) sitting in my bed, scared ****less right now, goosebumps all over my body and tears of horror in my eyes. I ask for your help in explaining this ****ing horrifying thing. Caution: you?ll notice that I curse quite a bit.

Continue here.

If there is anything I have learned from my explorations, anything at all, it is that evil does not rest. It does not sleep. Instead, it rises. It evolves. It creates.

Take the vampire, for example. When the late Dr. Stoker popularized his findings on the demon, it was a veritable terror to all who even heard a whisper of the name. And who could blame them? Here is an irresistible predator with an irresistible thirst for human blood, charged not only with the powers of appearance and charisma, but also that of black magic. It?s horrible, gruesome, the things of nightmares, if nightmares truly focused on the terror of our plain instead of our own anxieties. And what happened to the vampire? It, like a house dog, was domesticated.

It was taught tricks that it never had the capacity to learn, told to sit, to stand, to love?and it obeyed. The vampire no longer elicits goose bumps of terror, but instead those of teenage puberty. And because of this, because of their massive image change, one can barely find a vampire who causes any fear at all.

In fact, I met a self-claimed vampire in my travels. He was pleasant enough, and apart from his ghostly pale skin the middle of the Sudan, gave no other indication of what he was. Only when I had stated my purpose for being there, to research earth?s monsters, did he tell me he was a vampire himself. ?What are you doing here then?? I asked, looking over this killing machine that seemed no older than sixteen. ?I?m helping out with Habitat for Humanity,? he told me. ?It?s looks really good on college applications.?

Imagine! Here is what was one of the world?s finest monsters, and he is worried about getting into university! And all because the change his kind were now forced to fit into. It seemed to be like this across the globe. Demons were docile, spirits were silenced, and even walking corpses are humanized on a weekly basis.

But where does that leave me? I began my journey to seek out the horrific, the damned, and the cursed, and wherever I turned, I saw nothing but the domesticated citizens of our modern world. For there are people, myself included, who do not wish this kind of world on ourselves. We like a world where things can get a little dark, a little mysterious. Confound a world of scientific marvels and complete security; we want something to go bump in the night.

It wasn?t until I was at the end of my rope, eating a particularly boring vegetarian dinner with a werewolf in India, that I discovered that there was still hope for the terrible. He had just finished speaking about how Hindu ideas could influence the reincarnation as a monster, and he could tell he was losing me. So he cleared his throat, and began anew. ?You do know,? said the lycanthrope, sipping a glass of wine, ?there are others.?

?Others?? I asked. ?Other?creatures. Monsters. New monsters.? ?Really?? I sat forward, all intent now. ?What kind of monsters?? ?The forces of evil do not simply halt, doctor. When one species of monster die out?? he took a bread crumb, and, crumbling it between his fingers, scattered it on the table cloth. ?Another are born.? He blew quickly, scattering the remains.

It was hard enough not to roll my eyes at the dramatic nature of werewolves, but I tried to inquire further. He insisted he had to leave though, claiming he had to be alone for his metamorphosis that night (A metamorphosis,

I may add, I would have been very keen on seeing. But the werewolf declined: I simply couldn?t see him so uncivil).

I was intrigued by this idea; so much so, I decided to abandon my last research project for this new one.
The monsters of yesterday were where I begun. They may be on their way out, soon to be just civilians diagnosed with some condition or the other, but they hear rumors of the monsters of tomorrow. They would shudder themselves when describing the next race, and I was able, piece by piece, to create a framework for these new monsters.

That?s when the real work began. Following the trail around the world, I was able to create a guide of these new monsters and their mythology. And hence, my journal. I cannot promise you that you will not find offense in any of the pages of this journal. All I can tell you is that every single facet of it is one hundred percent researched and scientific.

So, peruse, examine, investigate, and enjoy with me as I begin Dr. Margin?s Guide to New Monsters.

Continue here.

I?m 18, had braces put on when I was 12 ? they were FINALLY taken off at the age of 16, (a long time I know). I think it?s pretty obvious to you that I?ve always wanted my teeth to be perfect ? if I didn?t I wouldn?t have put up with those dreaded train tracks on my teeth right?

Even after braces I could see problems that would bother me; small gaps and tilting teeth mostly. The orthodontist told me I could no longer leave my braces on, apparently my teeth were becoming ?too weak? from the pressure placed on them over the years.

He's an idiot.

Today I was determined to get the faults in my teeth fixed. If my orthodontist said no I?d find someone who would say okay! I mean, how hard could it be? I was in London after all ? there had to be a dentist who would take me.

After having faced many rejections by many different dentists I was starting to give up ? I would forever have to live with the unattractive crookedness of my teeth. I?d never have a boyfriend, I?d live with twenty cats and that would be that!

That?s at least what I thought was going to happen.

A man across the street beckoned at me ? he was next door to the busy Greggs store in town.

I approached the man; he looked a lot more ?odd? up close. His hair was unbelievably perfect ? not a hair out of place... every single strand held a perfect shade of platinum blonde. His hair wasn?t the only thing that struck me as peculiar.

Everything about this man seemed manufactured ? his body was something you could truly only describe as ?average'; he didn't have muscle, he didn?t have low body fat; he was just kind of... there? There were no faults, but at the same time there weren?t any beautiful features that would make me look twice in interest either.

He either realised I was finally paying attention, or he had been analysing me too ? it was at the moment that confusion hit me on why I was stood there that he began to talk.
As he opened his mouth I realised that this guy had PERFECT teeth, and I don?t just mean like, ?oh wow his teeth are straight and clean?; this guy had teeth that even Simon Cowell would die for!

Continue here.

They told me I had a hernia at first. From the descriptions of the pain, to the physical manifestation in my abdomen, I believed they were right. But no matter how many physicians I talked to, none could explain why the mass was moving so much.

"When you move, any large appendage will obviously sway or jiggle with you," said Dr. Thompson, over his little round glasses. He let his white hair grow long, down to his shoulders. "Like when a fat man waddles away, and his belly waddles with him," he smiled about that.

But I didn't feel like smiling. I wasn't fat, but I had been getting my share of jabs in class. Even my Biology professor cast me a sly kind of grin as one of the students asked him if men could get pregnant too, looking from me to him. Was I really getting that big?

Then, come April, they dropped the news. I had indeed become a freakish anomaly, the first known case in history. I had testicles, a penis, a beard, and a baby growing inside of me. Dr. Thompson wasn't smiling anymore when the technician brought him the results of my ultrasound. I couldn't tell what he was feeling by the look on his face. Was he confused? Disconcerted... disgusted?

I knew I was. I wouldn't blame him if his thin mouth was grimacing in disgust as he flipped through the printouts, knitting his brow tighter with every page. I was extremely disgusted.

"I'm still a virgin," I blathered, without thinking. I felt at that moment like he needed to know this bit of information, though I was sure it would only confuse him even more. He looked back up at me with that blank stare.

"I've never had sex."

Continue here.
I apologize for making my thread. I didn't know there was another spooky thread. I'm too lazy to tell the mods to do anything about it though
Here's one!


More cringey than spooky, but a good read nevertheless.
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There was a creepy story about this (and probably many more now) but this one in particular was where people found a camera randomly abandoned in the catacombs, very deep, and the camera footage is taken in first person with a man walking and all of a sudden he starts running as if something is chasing him, and this goes on as he twists and turns through passageways, his breathing becoming very labored and he seems very paranoid of whatever's after him, until he finally drops the camera into a puddle of water and you see him run away.

Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but have any of you seen that Ghost Adventures/Dark World episode where the whole crew spent a night there's? Faked or not the whole thing was sp00py as hell.