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The Town of Bobville II

Bacon Boy

Zelda Informer Podcaster
Sep 9, 2008
Sautéed Mushrooms
Dusty Scroll
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
*Bacon Boy walks out of house*
*In head* Bacon Boy: But I... stupid Nintendo, why can't I talk?
Resetti: What'd ya say? You said you didn't reset?
*In head* Bacon Boy: I didn't say anything!
Resetti: *rambles* And now I want you to say you're sorry! Go on, say "I'm sorry for resetting!"
*Bacon Boy stares at window that pops up*
*In head* Bacon Boy: There's not enough room! Uh... "B-o-b" enter.
Resetti: What? I didn't hear ya! Say: "Sorry!"
Bacon Boy: "S-o-r-r-y"
Resetti: That's more like it, now, one more thing: "Chew with your mouth closed ya little pig!"
*In head* Bacon Boy: ... This is getting tiring. No one likes Resetti. And I just wish I could talk... Maybe...
*Bacon Boy walks to the town...*
*In head* Bacon Boy: Oh shoot, it's her!
Chevre: My darling!
*In head* Bacon Boy: Talk! Talk! Say something!
Bacon Boy: --> What's up?
Never Mind
Chevre: Shall we proceed to go on a date?
Bacon Boy: ...
Chevre: Let's go!
???: Bacon Boy!
*??? pushes past Chevre*
???: We have come up with something to help you with your speech problem.
Bacon Boy: ...
???: Oh? Who am I you ask? I'm Katsuya Eguchi and this *pulls out device* is called "Wii Speak".
Bacon Boy: ...
Katsuya Eguchi: When utilized, it lets you speak your mind! Here! *Gives Wii Speak to Bacon Boy*
Bacon Boy: .....................HA! IT WORKS! THANK YOU MR. EGUCHI!
Katsuya Eguchi: Don't mention it!
*Katsuya Eguchi walks away*
Bacon Boy: That was... random...
Chevre: *snaps back to reality* So, honey, shall we go?
Chevre: oh...
Bacon Boy: I don't love you, Bob does, now leave me alone!

*In the Nook cave...*
Nook: Red is coming, and my sources say he has something evil planned... very, very evil...
Timmy: What is he going to do?
Tommy: Yea, what?
Nook: He's gonna take over the town!
*Timmy and Tommy just stare at him*
Both: We're gone...
Nook: You'll see, you'll ALL see!

*Red's Tent*
Red: I'm glad you decided to join me in my quest my dear, but why did you decide to join me?
???: Someone in this town must pay dearly for what they have done to me... I will make them pay!
Red: When I become king, you shall have your wish!

*The Roost*
Bacon Boy: So... Zyphent, I got this Wii Speak thing, it lets me talk no matter what, Katsuya Eguchi gave it to me.
Zyphent: Lucky, even the animals?
Bacon Boy: Yup!
Zyphent: So cool.
VantagE: I know! Looks so cool also. Maybe I can have it? I'll buy it from you! Name your price.
Bacon Boy: 1 billion bells
VantagE: Nevermind.
Zyphent: haha, I'm gonna go find that Kastumachumi-
Bacon Boy: Katsuya Eguchi...
Zyphent: Whatever... and get a wii speak!
*Roof rumbles*
Zyphent: What was that?
VantagE: I don't know, this is your town Bacon Boy, what was that?
Bacon Boy: I don't know, that was unusual.

Red: City of Bobville, I am now your ruler, and my first order of business is to name my queen, CHEVRE!
Chevre: Hello, my town, my first order of business it to put someone in jail, and that someone, is Bacon Boy!
*Bacon Boy, Zyphent, and VantagE come up out of The Roost*
Chevre: Get him!
*Booker and Copper grab Bacon Boy*
Bacon Boy: Hands off!
Booker: HO! He can talk!
Zyphent to VantagE: We have to do something!
VantagE: I know, uh...
Copper: Hey, you two!
Both: RUN!
???: HIYA! *A figure kicks Red*
Red: Huh? Nook.
Nook: I am prepared now, you won't win! *Takes out a sword*
Red: *Takes out his sword*
*Both Nook and Red fight in the background*
Bacon Boy: Let me go!
*The guards shove Bacon Boy in front of Chevre*
Bacon Boy: What the heck? You've gone mad!
Chevre: You rejected me!
Bacon Boy: I'm a human, you're a freakin goat!
Chevre: Goat, what if I was a human?
Bacon Boy: But you're a goat.
Chevre: hm...
*Chevre runs out of town*

What the heck was that all about?
Who will prevail, Nook or Red?
What happened to Chevre?
What's with all of these questions?
Find out in the next story of The Town of Bobville!
AnimalXingPlaya said:
I like that cliffhanger at the end! :p
Nice WiiSpeak mention! XD
Yeah that was a cool idea to put the WiiSpeak in the story like that... Kudos!!