The Unofficial Mario Kart Wii Thread


The deftest potato peeler
Project Staff
Dec 27, 2008
Red Envelope
Rebel Gnome
Aurora Sky
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand
Heart Glow Wand
Flower Glow Wand
Blue Mote of Flame
Orange Mote of Flame
Thunder Flame
Ancient Lantern
Ancient Lantern
Okay, well, any Mario Kart Wii topics here, if there's already one, then my bad D:
darn if i could be atleast ANY good on MKW i would be racing now
Well, i sucked at the Wii wheel, but i switched to the GCN controller, and that sure helped alot, and you also need to find a good kart for you.
novo120 said:
fpr me mariokart is tied with brawl
brawa>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MKW just cuz i suck alot in mario kart xD

also on brawl but i have more fun there :D
When I got this game, I was addicted to it. xP
But then I won every race, Then got bored. :p
I must Wi-Fi with someone sometimee.
hi i started the first thread and its ok that you used my exact words in the title :veryhappy:
well exept mine was a torny and it was an epic fail i hope yours does better

Love novo120!