The wait was worth it


Senior Member
Jan 11, 2014
Winter Mittens
Well it seems to have taken me forever to get NL but life is good now that I have it. I played WW for about 2 1/2 years straight, till I had twins. LOL Finally caved in and got a new DS and NL the Sat after Christmas. Loving NL, being the Mayor is awesome. I got CF, and after about a day of playing, I knew I needed a new DS and NL, didn't really care for playing it on the Wii, since I have to share the Wii with two 6 year olds LOL I play way too much but I am more than ok with that :)
Hey there, Welcome to New Leaf and just to let you know I only got it yesterday too .... been waiting to get if for ages but had no spare cash .... so glad I have it now