The X-Files: Day One


Senior Member
Dec 28, 2008
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
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Day 209. So I'm sure you guys remember my method of keeping up with my blogs, right? I go back to my Skype history, where all my info for the day is pretty much stored, and copy quotes from each day to remember. Unfortunately, for the next four days (starting today), the history has been lost... You see, for five days, we used a different group to talk at. The group disbanded (on Skype) and all the history was lost. So, I have no input of what happened these next four days. So do I make stuff up, leave blank blogs, whatever? I don't know, but I'll find out... I mean, there's plenty of other blogs coming up that you can preoccupy yourselves with, right? So until next time, seeya!
Question of the day: Ever lost something?