<big>'Splosion Man</big>
'Splosion Man is a recently released game for the Xbox Live Arcade. I hadn't heard alot about this game prior to it's release.
The developers (Twisted Pixel Games) behind SM were also responsible for "The Maw", which was on XBLA aswell. I haven't had the chance to play that, but I've heard good things about it.
Anyway, back to 'Splosion Man;
The Single player has a bustling 50 level campaign. The levels are split into "Worlds" like in Mario; 1-1, 2-5 ect.
You complete each level by reaching the end, much like in Mario or Sonic. With the means of jumping, or "'Sploding" off of the walls, using whatever you can.
In fact, I would compare 'Splosion man much to Sonic, in the way you run as fast through the levels as you can... blowing up scientists.
But it differs from sonic with that you have switches, exploding barrels which propel you higher and further to progress in the level.
However there is no rings/coins to collect, which can sometimes make the game feel lacking something.
The game has a brilliant sense of humor. When you 'splode next to a scientist, they turn into meat products: Sausages, Ribs, Hams ect.
Another count of it's excellent humor, is when you find a fat scientist and you go to kill them, The donut song plays. It will get stuck in your head.
Each world has it's own Boss fight, there are 3 to be exact. And all they will really consist of, are well timed presses of your "'splode" button.
The Multi-player brings it's own 50 level cooperative campaign, so you can 'splode with 3 friends.
The good thing though is that they aren't the same level from the single player. It's a completely new campaign.
As it is a new campaign it forces the players, however many, to work together. Meaning ledges are too high for 1 Splosion Man and cannot wall-splode up to it.
This encourages the players, makes the players work together and comunicate.
To count down, jump and splode off of each other to reach higher to complete the levels, or to hit a number of switches, whatever is needed.
Unfortunately, whenever I have tried to play online, I've experienced alot of lag. Ruining the moment for me somewhat.
This is in fact the first game to encorperate avatar accessories into the game as rewards. So when August 11th comes around, we'll be able to complete 'Splosion Man get whatever juicy bonus it is.
All in all the game is incredibly fun to play. It's funny, it's got a nice feel to it. And for 800 microsoft points, it's worth the price and then some.
Highly recommend this to any 360 owner that can download it.
I had a blast playing it. 9.5/10
Review By AndyB
Yes I re-used this review from the 1st Issue of TBTGM, I enjoyed this review back on that issue and I will be hopefully buying this game soon myself.
<big>'Splosion Man Trailer</big>
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<big>Megaman 10 Trailer</big>
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<big>Thanks for reading this issue of TBTGM, I hope to see you next time!</big>