Theory: All Villagers Will Have an amiibo Card


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2013
Chocolate Coins
Pear (Fruit)
I believe that all villagers will get an amiibo card.

On the Isabelle card (and all the others) the number at the upper right hand corner has three figures. Isabelle's card number is 001. This means that there will obviously be more than 100. Also, on the Peanut card, her number is 095.

I think that this confirmes there will atleast be 95 villagers, but I am almost certain that every single villager will get a card, and maybe even more since there are the NPC characters too.
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Does anyone know if they created e-Reader cards for all of the original Animal Crossing characters? If so, I'd imagine they'd do the same for these cards.
Does anyone know if they created e-Reader cards for all of the original Animal Crossing characters? If so, I'd imagine they'd do the same for these cards.

I'm not 100% certain but i think they did, i know there were loads of e-reader cards
I'd be happy if this were true! But then my wallet will break, so hopefully they'll be kind and make it easier to get them all. I'm really really hoping these won't be blind grab bags! But we'll see.

Plus if they don't do ALL of the villagers, I won't get some of my unpopular favorites in there! Like Stinky and Lucy.
I have a crap ton of e-reader cards somewhere. Just gotta find them. Omg, I'm so soooo excited for this new one! Unlike most, I am way more excited that it'll be for 3ds since I rarely play my kids's wiiU. :)
Hopefully they do them all and that they are fairly priced and won't rob me a fortune if I decide to buy aha.
I hope they don't just make cards for popular ones, or ones heavily associated with the series.
Somehow this all seems like an elaborate April Fool's Day prank. The Nintendo Direct video posted on another thread was from April 1st. But if it isn't, I think you're right! It'll be like the e-reader cards probably. I hope I won't have to go scrounging for cash...again...
I somehow doubt it, unfortunately. I don't know if they'll really want to make 300+ cards available to people (including the little challenges in the game if they're completely unique to each villager and not based on stuff like personality). They might release random villagers instead, some of the most popular ones and then ones picked at random. I hope we do get all the villagers since I'd love to have the ones I have in my town.

If they release 300+ cards for it, I hope they're not in blind grab bags like Jesusfreakette said.
I doubt they'll release every single villager at once, maybe in series like the E-reader cards or 'Waves', like amiibo.

Also Jambette card please
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Ill need to get a job , my poor bank account
I hate booster packs
Wasting money on majority of cards you already have
But I have a feeling they will be blind as they wont package each card individually.
They might come in pack sets as the numbers on card infer
If there is an option to buy the full set that would be great, as well as for those who can't do at once series numbered packs so no repeats. They won't do as well with random boosters if are looking for sales, so am thinking if took the time to number it will be aimed at collectors.
Does anyone know if they created e-Reader cards for all of the original Animal Crossing characters? If so, I'd imagine they'd do the same for these cards.

Considering how they were very important in e+, I assume they did