There is life after high school.


Sep 20, 2013
School was a very difficult time for me. It was an endless cycle of waking up to be bullied, coming home to sleep fearing the next day, and having that cycle repeat. I pretty much lived my entire life without any friends. My one wish was always to have someone to talk to. I always wanted to know what it felt like to have a best friend.

My first Animal Crossing game was for the Gamecube! My dad saw a commercial for the game, and rented it for me at a video rental store. I was immediately addicted to the game. I loved the freedom of being able to design our house, and be whoever we desired without the fear of judgement! The villagers gave me a reason to be happy. I would talk to the villagers, and they would always have something to say. It felt great to have a connection with these villagers, even though they were characters on a video game. I loved how they treated me like one of their friends. I even rented the game so much, the man who worked at the video rental store gave me the game for free!

I remember leaving school to run onto the bus, and pulling out my DS to play Wild World. Turning on that game made me feel like I was leaving one world, and entering another. School was a cruel place for me because of bullies and having nobody to talk with. Animal Crossing was my safe place. I remember sitting in my eighth period class and wanting to see how my villagers were doing. Animal Crossing gave me a sense of belonging because on that game, I was respected.

The internet was my safe place. Online felt safer for me because my entire childhood, I felt ugly. Hurtful things were said to me on a daily basis. I started becoming more confident each and everyday. I have met some wonderful people on this site. I have also met my best friend online.

My confidence has improved over the years. I have gone from being a pessimist to an extreme optimist. For the first time in my life, I was told I was beautiful and actually believed it. I loved being worth somebody’s time. It is always difficult when you have been hurt so much in the past, but there will be a point in your life that things do get better. Whenever that point in your life comes, you will start to realize all the pain from the past only made you stronger.

There comes a time in your life when you realize all of that stuff you thought mattered, doesn’t actually matter. Don’t spend all your life trying to fit in and trying to live up to everyone else’s expectations. Do not let anyone prevent you from following your dreams. If you want to do something, do not make excuses. Just do it. If you want to move out of state, do not let anyone influence your decision. Remember, you do not owe anyone an explanation for how you decide to live your life.

Family is not always of blood relation. Family supports you through anything. Your parents may have provided for you when you were younger, but that does not excuse them from belittling you for your decisions. Do not listen to anyone who tells you that you cannot do something. When somebody says you can’t do something, use that as motivation to prove them wrong.

I am a strong believer in that if you work hard at something, you can accomplish anything. If you do not give yourself anything to fall back on, you will rise to the occasion. My advice to everyone reading this is to please follow your dreams. No Dream is ever too difficult or too stupid.

Remember, the word impossible literally says “I’m possible.”
Wow, that was really inspiring! Internet has made me confident too! The school life is pretty hard for some people but if they stay strong, they can overcome their fears. Thanks for spreading this out and good luck for your future! <3