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Junior Member
Aug 6, 2013
Hello! I'm Sicily, I'm from the US, and I've been playing AC:NL for about a month now. I just reset my town yesterday and thought it would be a good time to start documenting my progress on a tumblr and getting to know other people who play--especially since being in a community of people who play might have prevented me from making mistakes like not getting someone to hold onto my bells and favorite items when I reset! :p

I've been playing Animal Crossing since City Folk, and I think it's safe to say I'm hooked. Other games I am fairly obsessed with include Fire Emblem Awakening and the Phoenix Wright series. <3

I'm really excited to meet you guys and make some new AC friends!
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Well, well, well. A brand new newbie to the Bell Tree experience. Well, it's very easy to jump right into the fun experience! It's safe to say I'm also hooked, and I've only ever played NL! I am obsessed and a veteran fan of the Pokemon series, and Sims is pretty nice too.

I hope you have a fantastic time here on TBT(The Bell Tree)! I'm reseting soon, and my fav items/Bells are being held and I'm working on getting my accomplished dreamies to move into my friend's towns for the time being.
Thanks so much for the welcome, everyone! I'm not allowed to post a link until my third post, but after I've done that, I'll be sure to update the first post with the link to my tumblr. :)

Kippla, I love The Sims and Pokemon, too! I've been playing Pokemon since I was probably 10 or so (and I'm 23--long time!).
Thanks so much for the welcome, everyone! I'm not allowed to post a link until my third post, but after I've done that, I'll be sure to update the first post with the link to my tumblr. :)

Kippla, I love The Sims and Pokemon, too! I've been playing Pokemon since I was probably 10 or so (and I'm 23--long time!).

I'm 21 and I have been playing since i was 7 :) You get into Pokemon for the long haul!
The sims is addictive, while I attend school I cannot play it ): It just consumes my life (kind of like animal crossing)
Pokemon is magic. Even someone who says they hate it can try it and love it. I did, though I never hated it. I just saw my brother's playing, I tried it out, and woosh! I'm the Pokemon fan I am today.
bex.of.lostwood: You really do! And now my ten-year-old nephew plays Pokemon, so it's kind of the ~circle of life~. And now he and my other nephew and niece all play Animal Crossing now, too. :)

Kippla: You're right! I've never met someone who actually took the time to play who didn't love it.
Well, well, well. A brand new newbie to the Bell Tree experience. Well, it's very easy to jump right into the fun experience! It's safe to say I'm also hooked, and I've only ever played NL! I am obsessed and a veteran fan of the Pokemon series, and Sims is pretty nice too.

I hope you have a fantastic time here on TBT(The Bell Tree)! I'm reseting soon, and my fav items/Bells are being held and I'm working on getting my accomplished dreamies to move into my friend's towns for the time being.
Lol I've loved pokemon since I was... let's say 5. (going OT) First ever pokemon game I played was Sapphire. I was pretty much helping out my bigger sister and she didn't play it afterwards xD Anywayyy, welcome to the forums! (Also I have Pokemon White 2 ATM, (bragging time! 2 wild encountered shinies unfezants, shiny haxorus from nature preserve, and shiny dratini from benga)
Yep, long time pokemon fan for quite some time :)
(Nice to see some pokemon fans)
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Helluuuu~ and welcome to the forums. You may add me as well! Just PM me anytime you'd like to play!
Thanks for the welcome, PoppyAndPeanut!

@MrAnimorie: Thanks! I'll do that sometime soon! I'd love to visit more people's towns/have others visit mine!
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The adventures, and chill time would be fantastic! Right now my town has a WIP chill spot. Should be ready tomorrow though.
I approve of your choice in DS games! Welcome to the Bell Tree. ๏[-ิ_?ิ]๏