So I've run into an issue with this. Some boards consider posting in a thread that has a last post of more then a month old as "necroing a thread", aka reviving a dead thread. But I've come across some boards that considers a thread being necro'd if it's not on the first 3 to 5 pages of a forum. Some boards use both last post and how buried it was to judge when a thread should die.
I looked in the rules but didn't see an exact definition for this, and since some threads on page 1 of the forums have a last post as months old I'd like to know what stick TBT uses to measure thread death? Basically if I need to check last post date?
I looked in the rules but didn't see an exact definition for this, and since some threads on page 1 of the forums have a last post as months old I'd like to know what stick TBT uses to measure thread death? Basically if I need to check last post date?