Trading Tia the normal elephant. in boxes now.

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Senior Member
Oct 22, 2013
100% (130) +
My auto deals are merengue, diana, or bells. Will consider all offers though. (Especially for peppy or snooty villagers.)
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whoa man goodluck. wish my miss shortcake would get her ass and move alerady i dont want that rhino :(
yeah if I ever get her to move i can let you know if haven't got her already. ugh.

and lol i have tia but baww diana. them duuuuuurs <3
I like diana. She's my favorite deer and the snooty I want most in my town. :) so cuuuute. And I like bam a lot too.
I have Bam. He is a cutie :D All deers are for that matter hence why I want them so xD

I hate trying to cycle merengue. it's always the deers wanting to move.. i'm like **** no you are staying.
Hahaha sounds like my luck. My dreamies are always the ones to ask and after cycling like 50 billion times when I'm not even trying anymore the one I wanted to leave will ping... tia...-_- lol.
Same with Tia yeah she never wants to move. I tried both ignoring and befriending her but ohnose.
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