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Time Paradox Episode 1

Bacon Boy

Zelda Informer Podcaster
Sep 9, 2008
Sautéed Mushrooms
Dusty Scroll
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
Found this and using it for episode one. Wrote this about a year ago.

It was a beautiful day in the Mushroom Kingdom. Peach and Toadette were walking in the courtyard when i pipe appeared. Peach though it was Mario, so she and Toadette scurried over to it, when I giant Piranha Plant came out of it, it shot a fireball at Toadette knocking her out. It took one of its vines, and grabbed Peach. Kicking and screaming, Peach was dragged into the pipe with the Piranha Plant.

Peach: "Bowser, I should've known you were behind this! Tired of kidnapping me by yourself? Decided to send a Piranha Plant after me instead? Well, as usually, I'll never marry you!"

Bowser: "On the contrary, my dear. I have something that'll make you WANT to." *evil laughter*

With that, Bowser pulled out a vile, with a heart on it.

Bowser: "This, Princess, is a concoction of Kemek's own. We've been working on it for a couple years now. You see, when we capture you, we intend to use it, but it is never ready, now it is!"

Peach: "Mario will stop you! You won't get away with this!"

Bowser: "Not this time! Never again. You see, after we obtained all of the pure hearts, i replicated their power and made something most devastating."

Bowser pulls out a large bag, and reaches into it and pulls out something.

Bowser: "The Black Star! I combined it with the stars' powers and the pure hearts to make the black star. It makes me invincible. Nothing can stop me, and with you at my side, i'll have everything i've ever wanted.



Sonic was running through the plains, when all of a sudden, he got a message from Manic.

Tails: "So--i- s--eth--g -s me---ng w--h th- -ig-al. Num--ous r-p--ts of b--ck -o-es!

Sonic: "Tails? What i can't hear you!"

Tails: "G-t -er-e q-i-- S--i-!

Sonic ran faster and faster until he hit lightspeed. There was a trail of fire behind him, and in front of him, he saw a black hole and stopped.

Sonic: "'Tails?"

Tails: "Where are you, the signal's clear where you are. Doesn't matter, wait- a black hole! It's swallowing the shop! I-" the line went dead

Sonic: *static* "TAILS!"

And then, Sonic plunged into the black hole.


At Bowser's Castle:

Mario: "Well, this is the place..."

Ominous Voice: "Looks like you've made it, Stinkyo Brothers!"

Luigi: Wait, there's only two people in the world who sound like that and can't make a joke!"

Mario: "Wario and Waluigi!"

Wario: "Got that right! And Bowser told us to take care of-

Luigi: *pulls out Poltergiest 3000 and shoots out fire ball*

*Wario and Waluigi go flying into the air*

Mario: "Well that was easy."

All of a sudden, the ground started to shake. Then, it ripped in half, and a black hole opened up.


Inside the castle:

Bowser: "Now, open up my little bride-to-be."

Peach: "No!"

Bowser: *puts vile into her mouth* "Don't worry if you spit it out, we made more!"

Ten bottles later...

Bowser: "Finally, the potion should start to take effect in ten minutes, I'll guard her, cause everytime you fools do, she gets rescued!"

Suddenly, the ground rumbles, and the mario brothers and sonic appear.

Bowser: "Perfect, right on time."

Sonic: "You won't get away with this! I'm gonna use the power of the chaos emeralds!"

Sonic transforms into Super Sonic.

Bowser: "Perfect!" *pulls out laser* "With this, i can duplicate the power of the chaos emeralds!" *ZAP!*

The hit knocks Sonic out.

Bowser: "Haha, now i have ultimate power." *Puts the power into The Black Star and eats it.* "Now no one can stop me, even if you do, you won't defeat me, and within a matter of minutes, Peach will be mine!

Mario & Luigi: "Not if we can help it!" *Lunges at Bowser*

Bowser: *Deflects the blow with one arm.* "Haha, this power..."

Suddenly, in the background, Peach gets up and start running towards the battle.

Mario: "Looks like your plan has failed, she's running towards us."

Bowser: "Towards the battle, but not you, ME!"

Peach walks over to Bowser's side and kisses him.

Luigi: "WHAT THE HECK!?"

Bowser: "All part of my plan, i get Peach, you get destroyed, it's a win-win." *Bowser creates a fireball.*


Toadsworth: "Master Mario, Master Luigi? Are you al right? About an hour ago, we heard a big explosion from Bowser's castle, the next thing we knew, you guys were here, so, we rushed you to the castle hospital..."

Mario: "Where's P-"

Toadsworth: "With Bowser, I'm afraid, they got... married. Master Sonic is in the next room... He's okay..."

Luigi: "Hey bro, sorry about what happened..."

Mario: "We couldn't help it.

Sonic walks in...

Sonic: "Sorry guys... it's all my fault, if i hadn't gone super sonic, then none of this would've happened..."

Mario: "It's not your fault, he knew we all would come..."


In the throne room:

Peach: "Bowser, if you're king of the Koopas then what does that make me?"

Bowser: "The Queen of the Koopas."

Peach: "I want something else... the creature that brought me here... i want to be queen of them..."

Bowser: "Piranha Plants?"

Peach: "Yes, them."

Bowser: "Anything for you..."

Goomba: "King Koopa, Queen Koopa, we have a problem, the Brothers are still alive, and so is the rodent!"

Bowser: "WHAT?"

Queen Koopa: "As my husband put it... how are they still alive?"

Bowser: "Toadsworth..."

Goomba: "But, they are gone, when we went for the bodies, this bright light filled the room and they were gone..."

Queen Koopa: "Hm... Check the castle security guards, see if they saw anyone come or go...


Deep Voice: "No need to thank me..."

Sonic: "I know that voice... its, no way!"

Mario: "Who?"

Sonic: "Knuckles!"

Luigi: "Who? Sounds like a stupid name!"

Knuckles: "Now, is that anyway to treat the person who brought you here?"

Sonic: "But, how?"

Knuckles: "When Tails, Amy, Metal, Shadow, and I were sucked through that black hole, we ended up here, in the castle..."

Mario: "Metal Sonic? The guy who tried to kill everyone?"

Knuckles: "Yea, after he lost all that power, he came back to take Amy, trying to get to Sonic or something... Anyway, we were trying to fight him off, when all of a sudden, a black hole appeared and we were all separated...

Sonic: "That means the others are here somewhere..."

Knuckles: "Oh and Sonic, guess who i found on my way here..."

Robotic Voice: "Hello, Sonic..."

Sonic: "It can't be! You're supposed to be dead!"

Voice: "I can assure you, i'm not dead..."

Sonic: "But how?"

Voice: "I don't know, i guess when i combusted, i was really transported here..."

Mario: "Okay, I'm as confused as heck here. Who is this guy, or thing, or whatever he is?"

Voice: My name is Emerl, the Gizoid.

Luigi: "Okay?"

Emerl: "Enough talking, there has to be away to stop this Bowser thing..."


Bowser: "They can't stop us now, not in this delicate part of the plan. We need to finished building The Machine..."

Queen Koopa: "Don't worry, honey, it will be finished in time, i have my guards on duty, and they surround the whole castle now..."

Bowser: "I know, dear, but I'm just worried that rat thing will try and save the day along with those stupid Mario Brothers..."

Voice: "Correcting, he's a hedgehog..."

Came a voice from the window...

Bowser: "Sonic! Not you, but how!?"

Voice: *sigh* "Must everyone confuse me with him? I am Shadow the Hedgehog. And you would do you good to learn my name, and as for your machine, its gone. You can't contain it..."

Bowser: "WHAT! What did you do with it?"

Shadow: "I simply destroyed it... CHAOS CONTROL!"

Bowser: "NO! We must build a new one!"

Peach: "Why don't you stay here with me for a bit... I'll be awfully lonely..."

Bowser: "Oh, all right... he can't harm us anyway..."


Mushroom Kingdom Castle:

Sonic: "Tails, come in Tails?"

Tails: "Sonic, where are you, I'm getting severe energy readings from where you are! You're definitely not here in Mobius!

Sonic: "No, I'm at the mushroom kingdom with the Mario Brothers, Knuckles, and Emerl, I thought you were caught in a black hole!"

Tails: "Nah, at the last second, Shadow used chaos control to save me, and now he's here and- wait, did you say Emerl?!"

Sonic: "Yea, don't ask. Hey, what about Amy?"

Tails: "Scanners reading that she's where you are, like a level below..."

Sonic: "Gotcha, I'll go check it out..."

Tails: "Two things, Shadow told me that Bowser's making some monster machine toIt was a beautiful day in the Mushroom Kingdom. Peach and Toadette were walking in the courtyard when i pipe appeared. Peach though it was Mario, so she and Toadette scurried over to it, when I giant Piranha Plant came out of it, it shot a fireball at Toadette knocking her out. It took one of its vines, and grabbed Peach. Kicking and screaming, Peach was dragged into the pipe with the Piranha Plant.

Peach: "Bowser, I should've known you were behind this! Tired of kidnapping me by yourself? Decided to send a Piranha Plant after me instead? Well, as usually, I'll never marry you!"

Bowser: "On the contrary, my dear. I have something that'll make you WANT to." *evil laughter*

With that, Bowser pulled out a vile, with a heart on it.

Bowser: "This, Princess, is a concoction of Kemek's own. We've been working on it for a couple years now. You see, when we capture you, we intend to use it, but it is never ready, now it is!"

Peach: "Mario will stop you! You won't get away with this!"

Bowser: "Not this time! Never again. You see, after we obtained all of the pure hearts, i replicated their power and made something most devastating."

Bowser pulls out a large bag, and reaches into it and pulls out something.

Bowser: "The Black Star! I combined it with the stars' powers and the pure hearts to make the black star. It makes me invincible. Nothing can stop me, and with you at my side, i'll have everything i've ever wanted.



Sonic was running through the plains, when all of a sudden, he got a message from Manic.

Tails: "So--i- s--eth--g -s me---ng w--h th- -ig-al. Num--ous r-p--ts of b--ck -o-es!

Sonic: "Tails? What i can't hear you!"

Tails: "G-t -er-e q-i-- S--i-!

Sonic ran faster and faster until he hit lightspeed. There was a trail of fire behind him, and in front of him, he saw a black hole and stopped.

Sonic: "'Tails?"

Tails: "Where are you, the signal's clear where you are. Doesn't matter, wait- a black hole! It's swallowing the shop! I-" the line went dead

Sonic: *static* "TAILS!"

And then, Sonic plunged into the black hole.


At Bowser's Castle:

Mario: "Well, this is the place..."

Ominous Voice: "Looks like you've made it, Stinkyo Brothers!"

Luigi: Wait, there's only two people in the world who sound like that and can't make a joke!"

Mario: "Wario and Waluigi!"

Wario: "Got that right! And Bowser told us to take care of-

Luigi: *pulls out Poltergiest 3000 and shoots out fire ball*

*Wario and Waluigi go flying into the air*

Mario: "Well that was easy."

All of a sudden, the ground started to shake. Then, it ripped in half, and a black hole opened up.


Inside the castle:

Bowser: "Now, open up my little bride-to-be."

Peach: "No!"

Bowser: *puts vile into her mouth* "Don't worry if you spit it out, we made more!"

Ten bottles later...

Bowser: "Finally, the potion should start to take effect in ten minutes, I'll guard her, cause everytime you fools do, she gets rescued!"

Suddenly, the ground rumbles, and the mario brothers and sonic appear.

Bowser: "Perfect, right on time."

Sonic: "You won't get away with this! I'm gonna use the power of the chaos emeralds!"

Sonic transforms into Super Sonic.

Bowser: "Perfect!" *pulls out laser* "With this, i can duplicate the power of the chaos emeralds!" *ZAP!*

The hit knocks Sonic out.

Bowser: "Haha, now i have ultimate power." *Puts the power into The Black Star and eats it.* "Now no one can stop me, even if you do, you won't defeat me, and within a matter of minutes, Peach will be mine!

Mario & Luigi: "Not if we can help it!" *Lunges at Bowser*

Bowser: *Deflects the blow with one arm.* "Haha, this power..."

Suddenly, in the background, Peach gets up and start running towards the battle.

Mario: "Looks like your plan has failed, she's running towards us."

Bowser: "Towards the battle, but not you, ME!"

Peach walks over to Bowser's side and kisses him.

Luigi: "WHAT THE HECK!?"

Bowser: "All part of my plan, i get Peach, you get destroyed, it's a win-win." *Bowser creates a fireball.*


Toadsworth: "Master Mario, Master Luigi? Are you al right? About an hour ago, we heard a big explosion from Bowser's castle, the next thing we knew, you guys were here, so, we rushed you to the castle hospital..."

Mario: "Where's P-"

Toadsworth: "With Bowser, I'm afraid, they got... married. Master Sonic is in the next room... He's okay..."

Luigi: "Hey bro, sorry about what happened..."

Mario: "We couldn't help it.

Sonic walks in...

Sonic: "Sorry guys... it's all my fault, if i hadn't gone super sonic, then none of this would've happened..."

Mario: "It's not your fault, he knew we all would come..."


In the throne room:

Peach: "Bowser, if you're king of the Koopas then what does that make me?"

Bowser: "The Queen of the Koopas."

Peach: "I want something else... the creature that brought me here... i want to be queen of them..."

Bowser: "Piranha Plants?"

Peach: "Yes, them."

Bowser: "Anything for you..."

Goomba: "King Koopa, Queen Koopa, we have a problem, the Brothers are still alive, and so is the rodent!"

Bowser: "WHAT?"

Queen Koopa: "As my husband put it... how are they still alive?"

Bowser: "Toadsworth..."

Goomba: "But, they are gone, when we went for the bodies, this bright light filled the room and they were gone..."

Queen Koopa: "Hm... Check the castle security guards, see if they saw anyone come or go...


Deep Voice: "No need to thank me..."

Sonic: "I know that voice... its, no way!"

Mario: "Who?"

Sonic: "Knuckles!"

Luigi: "Who? Sounds like a stupid name!"

Knuckles: "Now, is that anyway to treat the person who brought you here?"

Sonic: "But, how?"

Knuckles: "When Tails, Amy, Metal, Shadow, and I were sucked through that black hole, we ended up here, in the castle..."

Mario: "Metal Sonic? The guy who tried to kill everyone?"

Knuckles: "Yea, after he lost all that power, he came back to take Amy, trying to get to Sonic or something... Anyway, we were trying to fight him off, when all of a sudden, a black hole appeared and we were all separated...

Sonic: "That means the others are here somewhere..."

Knuckles: "Oh and Sonic, guess who i found on my way here..."

Robotic Voice: "Hello, Sonic..."

Sonic: "It can't be! You're supposed to be dead!"

Voice: "I can assure you, i'm not dead..."

Sonic: "But how?"

Voice: "I don't know, i guess when i combusted, i was really transported here..."

Mario: "Okay, I'm as confused as heck here. Who is this guy, or thing, or whatever he is?"

Voice: My name is Emerl, the Gizoid.

Luigi: "Okay?"

Emerl: "Enough talking, there has to be away to stop this Bowser thing..."


Bowser: "They can't stop us now, not in this delicate part of the plan. We need to finished building The Machine..."

Queen Koopa: "Don't worry, honey, it will be finished in time, i have my guards on duty, and they surround the whole castle now..."

Bowser: "I know, dear, but I'm just worried that rat thing will try and save the day along with those stupid Mario Brothers..."

Voice: "Correcting, he's a hedgehog..."

Came a voice from the window...

Bowser: "Sonic! Not you, but how!?"

Voice: *sigh* "Must everyone confuse me with him? I am Shadow the Hedgehog. And you would do you good to learn my name, and as for your machine, its gone. You can't contain it..."

Bowser: "WHAT! What did you do with it?"

Shadow: "I simply destroyed it... CHAOS CONTROL!"

Bowser: "NO! We must build a new one!"

Peach: "Why don't you stay here with me for a bit... I'll be awfully lonely..."

Bowser: "Oh, all right... he can't harm us anyway..."


Mushroom Kingdom Castle:

Sonic: "Tails, come in Tails?"

Tails: "Sonic, where are you, I'm getting severe energy readings from where you are! You're definitely not here in Mobius!

Sonic: "No, I'm at the mushroom kingdom with the Mario Brothers, Knuckles, and Emerl, I thought you were caught in a black hole!"

Tails: "Nah, at the last second, Shadow used chaos control to save me, and now he's here and- wait, did you say Emerl?!"

Sonic: "Yea, don't ask. Hey, what about Amy?"

Tails: "Scanners reading that she's where you are, like a level below..."

Sonic: "Gotcha, I'll go check it out..."

Tails: "Two things, Shadow told me that Bowser's making some monster machine to destroy you guys, but he destroyed it. No doubt, though, that he'll try to make another one... and another thing... Metal's down there... I'm getting massive energy readings, you better hurry...


Peach: "Bowser, i was thinking... what if i could send one of my minions to destroy the Mario Brothers and that blue thing?"

Bowser: "Sure!"

Peach: "Good, cause he's already on his way!"

Bowser: "That's my wife, always thinking ahead!


MK Castle:

Metal: "Amy... you must stay still in order for me to use you as bait to catch that hedgehog, you must stay still and let me tie you up!

Amy: "Sonic!"

Metal: "Just in time..."

Sonic: "What do you want?"

Metal: "Just something simple, hand over all of the chaos emeralds...
I know, it's just the one I'm working on now won't. I just used this one for episode one. I didn't have the time to change it last night when I went through the final edit.