Time Traveling Club


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2008
Chocolate Coins
Anyone who believes time traveling is a harmless thing to do, and you enjoy doing, sign this.

I time travelled to summer and will be rich off fish.

Have fun fishing for cans in winter!
I agree with you, I don't really Time Travel a whole lot. But it's not like the game is going to be destroyed if you Time Travel.
:gyroiddance: Yeah, i started time travelling a few days ago and I never realized how fun it was.
Tyler said:
So, do we get a gift for joining, lol, jk
Yea, Kpspen should get us a time traveling gift he got from time traveling to give the time traveling people something for time traveling!
#gsw1996 said:
not another group theres toooooo mannnny!!!
it's not a group its a club btw
and its not like we're going to be meeting up.
we're just gonna show off blue marlins, sharks, and whatnot: stuff you can't catch in the dead of winter.....
I suggest time traveling.
jackechan said:
*signs* tottaly i would be soooo bored w/o time traveling!
Me too! If didn't time travel I would have stoped playing this game weeks ago.
Hahahah nice, I'd do it but I prefer hacking, but I dont do it because I used the stupid Wii updates >_>
And rofl its not "another group" this is actually meaningfull and stuff...