Time Travelling

Draco Roar

Senior Member
Jan 9, 2009
October Birthstone (Opal)
I don't know what time travelling does like if it destroys the games data or anything so tell me should I time travel or not?
It will give you weeds and Joan wont sell red turnip seeds. However, the choice on wether or not you want to time travel is up to you.
RockmanEXE said:

That does not happen as I've done it several times.
+1 Internets for you sir.

and yes, TT'ing doesn't ruin your game data, it only gives you weeds and Joan will sell you Red Turnips again if you synchronize the Animal Crossing clock and the Wii clock.
Ok thanks but one more thing.. if I go to an event ,do it then come back and eventually do it again will it already be done?
Draco Roar said:
Ok thanks but one more thing.. if I go to an event ,do it then come back and eventually do it again will it already be done?
But I advise you to time travel using the Wii Menu because if you TT with the AC clock, your neighbors will move away.
I wouldn't do it, but people do, it's up to you. It's just more simple to do it the old fashioned way. :)
it depends what you're planning to do once you have timetraveled ..
you didn't say why you want to time travel so i don't know if you should
you get A LOT of weeds, unknown neighboors, cockroaches, etc, it takes the fun of your game