To People with Perfect Peaches!


Senior Member
Jun 14, 2013
0% (0) +
I have Reese buying perfect peaches today, and the bell boom ordinance in effect. If you'd like to sell yours, this is the perfect time!^^ If I could have a couple as well that would be great, but feel free to take advantage of this!
Hey! I have a bunch that i'd love to sell...and I could definitely give you a few as well. :) I'm free pretty much all day if you don't mind me coming over, i'll go ahead and add you. :)
I have to close my town up soon, so when you're ready tell me a time you'd like to visit. It can't be between 4-10pm est however.
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That's fine! Like I said, I am free pretty much all day so whatever time works for you...maybe in like an hour or so? :)
I have perfect peaches and would love to come over! I will tip you too :)
My friend code is 4210-4397-1454

I added you
Thx again! Will you be open again tonight in case I harvest some more by then?
Hey if you're back online, do you mind me coming over for one last trip before re-tail closes?