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To The Villagers Of Nillman: My Sincerest Apologies


Senior Member
Jul 1, 2013
Throwback Tickets
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Dear Villagers of Nillman,

It it with my sincerest apology that I humbly come before you today and request your forgiveness for the corrupt mayor that I have become. As of recently, the day I stepped off the train into Nillman has been plaguing my mind. Everyone there was so happy to see me, so happy to have me as mayor, so proud of Nillman, and so excited for all the changes that were going to be made for the better. I must admit, I was a little surprised at first when you all started greeting me as the mayor, but soon learned to love my position and the people who supported me. Each and every one of you go out of your way every day to come say hi, to water all the flowers so I don't have to, to request public work projects that will make Nillman a shining example of what the perfect town might be, and so much more.

However I will admit now, that I lost my way. I quickly became a greedy, corrupted, uncaring human being and only cared about bells. I feel like the only people who I've even spoke to in weeks are Joan, Reese, and Lloid. Every day bypassing all of you. Even when I heard that cute little chime above your head indicating you wanted to speak to me, I would continue on. All I cared about was checking turnip prices, hitting rocks with my shovel, shaking trees to harvest their fruit, and completely destroying the once beautiful island to reap the benefits of beetle farming. I haven't spoken to many of you in days, and there are a couple of you I have yet to even introduce myself to. I have halted all work on improving the town via Public Work Projects, planting flowers, fishing out litter, planting trees, and everything else to make Nillman what I promised you in the beginning.

Because of this, I am sorry. I am sorry, T-Bone. I am sorry, Egbert. I am sorry, Moose. I am sorry, Ava. I am sorry, Timbra. I am sorry, Olivia. I am sorry, Deirdre. I am sorry, Olaf. I am sorry, Lolly.

I'm sorry Isabelle.

But today is a new day. Today is the day I start becoming the mayor you wanted. Today is the day where YOU, the villagers come first. I will plant you more trees! I will plant you more flowers! I will create beautiful gardens! I will start a multitude of Public Work Projects. I will find and donate more to our beautiful museum. I will come say hi to every single one of you multiple times a day. I will help you with your errands, and I will help you find your lost items. I will pick those weeds and I will clean up those rotting turnips by the lake. This is a new day for Nillman.

And to everyone else attached to this letter, I urge you to listen. Your mind can become quickly filled with dreams of having millions of bells, five of every item, every DLC from every region in the world. You can end up talking more to strangers on the forums to find the highest turnip price instead of talking to your own villagers. Take heed. Slow down. Do not be greedy. You do not need everything right now. It will come. For the time being, just be the best mayor you can be!

Mayor Daniel
As a member of the international Nillman Committee, I humbly accept your apology on behalf of all our townspeople. We hope you start to appreciate those humble animals whom inhabit your beloved town. Great fortunes be with you.
As a member of the international Nillman Committee, I humbly accept your apology on behalf of all our townspeople. We hope you start to appreciate those humble animals whom inhabit your beloved town. Great fortunes be with you.

That means the world to me. I have already started work on a new public work project as well as a garden :)
This is so sweet but I think the best thing you can do now is find balance. Balance between both interacting and beautifying your town and earning the Bells to fund it.
Best thing I've ever taken the time to read.
I personally think that I am a very good mayor as I talk to my villagers quite often each day, do them lots of favours and I offer to buy their stuff that they sell regardless of whether I want it or not, but when it turns to 7.00pm, It becomes me time and I like to go to the Island to make myself a bit richer.

Off-Topic: Does anyone happen to know if the higher valued bugs on the Island will be available all year round due to the Island permanently being in summer?

The bugs that I am referring to are the Cyclommatus Stag, Golden Stag, Horned Elephant Beetle, Horned Atlas Beetle and finally the Horned Hercules Beetle.
I think I need a minute to mop up my tears from that beautiful speech. It makes me want to change my ways too! Nah, just kidding. Hope you have fun undergoing your own Intervention, though. :3

Off-Topic: Does anyone happen to know if the higher valued bugs on the Island will be available all year round due to the Island permanently being in summer?

Yep, the bugs are available all year 'round.
This...is the nicest thread I have ever read. :') Simply...amazing. I am sure your villagers forgive you, because if I was one of them, I know I would right away. Thank you for making the switch, Mayor Daniel, and we are all welcoming a deeply changed mayor! :)
We need a like button. Great message!

A few mayors here can learn a thing or two from this >_> <_<