Today I noticed that one of my Memory Cards of my GameCube deleted everthing..

Princess Mipha

𝘈𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘡, 𝘺𝘦𝘡 𝘡𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦.. 𝘬π˜ͺ𝘯π˜₯𝘒
Jun 20, 2014
Friendly Ghost Plush
Ghostly Kitty Plush
And if I say everything, I mean everything.
I am so mad.
The worst part is, that there was the savefile of Need for Speed Underground 2.
It was the only game that I enjoyed playing with my brother and I had this file
for over 10 years now and it's just.. gone.
I used to play that game for nights, when I was feeling sad and now.. :(
Also the +500 hours of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess are GONE.
Everything gone.. it's just so depressing to realise..
and I am not motivated to play those games 100% again.
I already need to finish Twilight Princess HD, now GameCube Version again?
That's so.. god.. why would that happen? T___T
why would you need to replay gamecube twilight princess. if youve put 500 hours into it there cant be much left to do
Ack, that's so sad you've lost all your data like that. :/

I'd be so upset if I lost any of my AC save files or Lego City Undercover. My partner would be upset enough for both of us if something happened to the other lego games we play (he cares about completing to 100% infinitely more than I do lol). I don't think we'd really care about any of the other (thousands of) games in the collection. But the games that are important to us, ya, that would be tough.

Was it an original memory card?
It sucks to lose a lot of save files like that. :( I've once had a PS1 memory card corrupt, and the worst I've had was a 64GB USB stick that was pretty much full.
Should've copied your saves to another card before they all went missing. :p

But I can't help you. Sorry for your loss.

Well, I didn't expected that they would get deleted randomly :p

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why would you need to replay gamecube twilight princess. if youve put 500 hours into it there cant be much left to do

Because I love to run around in the world and I create my "own stories" while playing.. so I need to replay to unlock everything again.

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Ack, that's so sad you've lost all your data like that. :/

I'd be so upset if I lost any of my AC save files or Lego City Undercover. My partner would be upset enough for both of us if something happened to the other lego games we play (he cares about completing to 100% infinitely more than I do lol). I don't think we'd really care about any of the other (thousands of) games in the collection. But the games that are important to us, ya, that would be tough.


Yeah.. and it just came suddenly, I never had a problem like that with the memory card before..
hehe, I imagine. My boyfriend actually doesn't care at all about playing games 100%..
well, all the plays is League of Legends and CS:GO anyways xD
Luckily I never lost any AC files, that would be awful! >-<

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my animal crossing game did that once i was shook

Damn, that's painful :s

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Was it an original memory card?
It sucks to lose a lot of save files like that. :( I've once had a PS1 memory card corrupt, and the worst I've had was a 64GB USB stick that was pretty much full.

Mh, no it's not an original one.. I guess it's why it happened.
Should never trust fake items :(
Uff, that must've been hard.. D:
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Luckily haven't had this happen to mine. I got an official 1019 block GameCube Memory Card a few years back I was hoping I could use as my main card, but after realizing that I can't transfer Population Growing saves across memory cards, I decided to make it into more of a backup in case this ever happened to me.

Only console I have ever had this on was on PlayStation consoles and that was because I have a memory card adapter for PS3 so that I can backup my memory card data as a fail-safe there. I was using a bad cable and it completely formatted my PS1 memory card. Thank god I had it backed up!
My original Memory Card also erased all of my saves a month ago. But it's actually broken I guess, since anytime I save something on it and want to play later, my new saves always get erased... :( It keeps saying that my memory card got corrupted.
My original Memory Card also erased all of my saves a month ago. But it's actually broken I guess, since anytime I save something on it and want to play later, my new saves always get erased... :( It keeps saying that my memory card got corrupted.

Yeah, I feel like I have the exact same problem..
I tried to save a game on it again and it says it's corrupted the next time I wanted to play it >-<
Wow. I am so sorry for your loss. And I know those "memory card randomly corrupted and deleted all my save files" blues. Ironically enough, mine was also a GC memory card. It's why I have yet to finish Beyond Good & Evil and Tales of Symphonia. BG&E, I was on the LAST area when it happened and I'd already clocked at LEAST 200+ hours with Symphonia. Guess it's what I deserve for spending too much time level-grinding and exploring.

Still, over 500 hours on Twilight Princess? Ouch. That majorly sucks.
I'm sorry to hear that, I know what it is like to lose a memory card and the data saved on it along with it (losing your very first AC town sucks so much). :( From personal experience, the best way to protect your Gamecube data is to always use a official memory card (if you buy one online, be very careful about who you purchase one from since a lot of "new" ones out there are actually fake memory cards in convincing packaging [you can usually tell if a memory card is fake just by looking at the screws on the back or the actual board inside; official ones always have tri-wing screws]). Another thing to note about official cards is that you should never use a 1019 card (the white one) on a Wii system because something about saving data on a Wii systems causes the memory card to corrupt. :/ If you want to get a new memory card, I highly recommend buying the 251 card (the black one) since it won't have the Wii issue and it is the most reliable of all the cards (I have had mine for over ~11 years now and it has yet to corrupt on me *knocks on wood*). Hope this helps everyone who has had this issue before and are looking for a replacement card! :D
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That's awful, my gamecube memory said it was corrupted, so i blew on it and it was fine after that...but I had a heart attack inbetween lol
That's awful, my gamecube memory said it was corrupted, so i blew on it and it was fine after that...but I had a heart attack inbetween lol

I tried literally everything to make it not be true. Blowing inside, shacking it (wtf? xD), switching place with the other Memory card, etc.. nothing worked..

I was finally brave enough to check out the full damage and I could literally cry now xD

Games that got deleted are..
- Super Monkey Ball (I don't care a lot)
- Kirby Air Ride (Meh.. not too bad..)
- Mario Party 6 (*****..)
- Warioworld (Omg.. I played hours on it -.-)
- Super Mario Sunshine (I feel like I just got shot)
- Need for Speed: Underground 2 (It's the absolute worst one. It made me literally cry)
- Soulcalibur II (This game was so fcking hard to beat, omg -.-)
- Luigi's Mansion (I just finished it 100%, even the reverse Mansion.. ffs)
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Now I really got shot, no?)

Games I still have..
- Mario Kart: Double Dash (It's easy to play it fully. Would've prefered that to get deleted)
- Super Smash Bros. Melee (Hm, ok)
- The Simpsons: Hit & Run (Thank god. I had to play it 7 times, because my brother always deleted the files)
- Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc (Phew)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time & Master Quest (Thank you for still being there!!)
This also happened to me once, idk why it does that but luckily there only was Mario Kart data on it and it doesn't take too long to unlock everything on that game.
This also happened to me once, idk why it does that but luckily there only was Mario Kart data on it and it doesn't take too long to unlock everything on that game.

I would've prefered to play Mario Kart fully again instead of needing to play Need for Speed again.
Will never be able to redo the tuned cars ToT