Today is a very special day


Visit Kupoland! DA: 9056-8665-9246
May 28, 2017
Tin Robot
Festive Bell
Tasty Cake
New Horizons Token
February 1st is a magical day. Today, we celebrate the birth of god, the purest of the creatures, the most magnificent virtual animal of them all: Bill.


The supposed importance or validity of tier lists are thrown out of the window when the name of your holiness is mentioned. Bill is above all the mortals, and as such, he has a tier of his own, the god tier. The energetic and enthusiastic duck is the best villager in the whole series. No one even comes close to him.

He doesn't have a flashy or edgy design, pastel colors, or anything unnatural. He doesn't need those things. Bill is one of the simplest villagers in terms of design, if not the simplest. Yet, he stands out. He manages to be unbelievably charming even though he doesn't have any special features to draw people's attention to him. That, my friends, is the true power of a god.

We first met in ACGC - which wasn't the first AC game I played - and since then, Bill has become a part of our lives here in my house. My nephew adores him, to the point where my sister and my mom also know who Bill is (my mom even made him a little miniature of Bill using colored modelling clay), even though they don't play Animal Crossing. When the first trailer for ACNH came out, my nephew said "we'll reunite with Bill!!!", and we counted the days until the game was released. Thanks to a very special person on this site, we got the opportunity to invite Bill to move to our island. And he's been the brightest star of Kupoland ever since.

Happy birthday, Bill!
So are you gonna have birthday bash and invite everyone to your island to see this god tier duck?
Oh, if people want to come visit him, absolutely! As long as no one gifts him anything other than fruits, I'm all for it lol
My b o y!

Bill was my starting jock villager in nh (which is my first ac game) and I love him to death! He's my absolute favorite and I can't wait to celebrate his birthday today. 😁😁😁
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I've had a Bill since shortly after New Leaf came out.He attended every one of my mayor's birthday parties in my New Leaf town so I'll definitely be at his party later today.