Totodile Signature


Senior Member
Mar 7, 2009
Purple Mailbox
Avatar Width Extension
Avatar Height Extension
User Title Color Change
I've not made a signature for a while, So I decided to make one. What do you think?


C&C please.
It's very good but my eyes seem to be telling me that I'm looking through a very strong blue filter... :/

ehh, I must find out how people do these awesome effects on sigs :3
Thanks Nixie, I guess in all of my signatures I always get the filter wrong..
It's not that bad maybe just try to leave some pieces deliberately out of the filter and it should work better... I'm not really sure XD
Nice! Its a little lacking on the left though... 7.5/10?
The render needs to blend in a little more.
Otherwise, it just looks, I dunno, kinda pasted?

Good lighting and colors. Not enough content on the left side.
Looks good overall.
The render doesn't correspond with the effects, Tododile just looks like he was pasted on, and had a color balance change. The background looks like an effect C4D that's been blurred on the left/right sides, and I'm not a big fan of major blur :\ . The text is nice though.

Overall: 6.5/10. Not bad, but I would try to match the render with effects more.
Colors seem a leetle harsh, although that's probably a personal pref. i prefer softer or vivid colors.
Neko Yuki Pyrozanryu said:
Should of used a Totadile like jumping/attacking.
It does look kinda plain.
I agree, Totodile would've blended in more if it used as an action render. The thing is though, that I don't think there's any images of Tododile in action :\ .
-Niko said:
Neko Yuki Pyrozanryu said:
Should of used a Totadile like jumping/attacking.
It does look kinda plain.
I agree, Totodile would've blended in more if it used as an action render. The thing is though, that I don't think there's any images of Tododile in action :\ .
I think there are LOADS
Given its sprite is often an attacking one and most appearences show it attacking