Town Rating Guide


Swag Master
Jan 10, 2009
Ok I know you guys always go and say like, " Why Don't I have the perfect rating yet?! I planted greenery!!! ( Flowers ) " Heres the reason why. You plant millions of flowers for greenery when, if Phylis is at the Post office, she will tell you the real answer. Here's what she says.
Hello, welcome to the post office. UGH GET OUT ALREADY! Select Environment OH! A tree hugger huh? * Reads Report * TREES!! TREES!!! TREES!!!! Is that all? Why do they always come on my break?!
Bye! Ok Come Again! DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON THE WAY OUT! So as you can see, phyliss is a jurk and she gives you your answer. To get the perfect rating, you will have to plant your trees. If your poor and need some trees, this is good. Either way this is a good way to get trees that I found. Space Cluster.

Here is how you will space cluster your trees. It's called space cluster because it saves space and you cluster the trees.

If you have one of those little islands on your game and you planted a palm tree right smack dab in the middle of it, you lost space. What you need to do is space cluster.

Here is how you would do it. Put one space between the tree and the edge. Then put one space over to the other tree. This is What it should look like. | = edge P = Tree. ____ = edge bottom
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| P******P| This is where the trees are.* are space.

Now You know how to space cluster. Here is how you do it in a big bunch. Cut down some trees and you will have a big area like this.
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Now that you have space clustered your fruit trees, it looks like this.

| T T T T T T T T T T T |
| T T T T T T T T T T T |
| T T T T T T T T T T T |
| T T T T T T T T T T T |
| T T T T T T T T T T T |
| T T T T T T T T T T T |
| T T T T T T T T T T T |
| T T T T T T T T T T T |
| T T T T T T T T T T T |

Now your thinking isn't that a lot of trees? Yes. Some <big><big>WILL </big></big> die but thats ok.
Now I guess while you do this you could go back and forth to the post office and check the environment every tree you plant, but let's not do that. Check after every few trees. Like every ten trees.
i can see that you're trying to help, but with that said, this is so hard to understand...

for everyone else: i think they were trying to point out the fact of how to plant more trees in a small space...

but really, what you didn't talk about is counting the trees in each acre because you need 12-15 trees in perfect acres with 3+ flowers (for the least amount of flower usage) and 10-17 trees in decent acres with 0+ flowers. you can't just make one acre FULL of trees and expect to get a perfect rating... it doesn't work like that. you need to walk around and look in every single acre, meaning you're probably going to have to lay down some 16x16 grids, and count trees in each acre. whatever you do after that depends on if you have too many or too little trees - but the goal is what i said earlier about the number of trees; depending on if you're going for perfect or decent in that acre. you only need 8 perfect acres, and the rest decent.

just going to post this in case anyone reads this thread to get information on a perfect town:
you mean i spent a whole frickin hour typing that <big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big>FOR NOTHING!?!!?!?</big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big> e.O
Rorato74 said:
you mean i spent a whole frickin hour typing that <big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big>FOR NOTHING!?!!?!?</big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big> e.O
uhh... i don't know? how would i know that? that makes no sense...

did you mean,"you mean i spent a whole hour typing that FOR NO REASON?"