Buying Toyhouse Code


Queen of Ducks
Jun 20, 2017
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
100% (91) +
Hi! so I've been thinking about making a Toyhouse account and the only way to do that is by acquiring an invitation code. I'm not sure how much they go for so just post offers (TBT only please!) as I got some bells in my ABD as well as the ones in my sidebar. Like my post so I know you've replied.


EDIT: Thanks to Zeppeli for the code! I'll keep this open for others that need codes. Keep in mind, I don't have any.

Little update: A member brought up a pretty big point and I think I'll make a list of people who need a code as well.

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this should be a pinned thread so people know where to go for codes tbh bc im looking for a code also
I can get you both one! Just toss whatever bells you want at me lol, PMing you both!

your inbox is full, @poyo
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I got'cha lmao
I can generate 4 more :0
if anyone else is looking for an invite code, i can generate two currently. c:
o.o not sure how much they go for (normally when I ask people ask for real life currency... so name your price XD )
o.o not sure how much they go for (normally when I ask people ask for real life currency... so name your price XD )

rlc? seriously? god no
i guess 100? i think that's the norm here but feel free to send less
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I'd love to try toyhouse, too, it looks interesting :) Does anyone have a code left? I can offer all the bells in my sidebar.
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Does anyone have a code I can give to a friend? I can offer up to 250 bells ^^
Does anyone have a code I can give to a friend? I can offer up to 250 bells ^^

i tried to pm or vm you, but you have vms turned off and your inbox is full. fixing that would be appreciated so i can trade you a code for your tbt, thank you~