North America Trades Closed for Now


Junior Member
Mar 10, 2017
Chocolate Coins
Santa Tokens
100% (16) +
I have outstanding trades that should complete my entire set!

Thanks to all who have helped! :)
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Where are you located, US/ Canada?

Edit - 166 Kitty and 172 Agnes for 27 Lopez and 31 Sheldon?
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Hi, I'm new at this site too, but have been trading for a little while on reddit.

Would you be interested in trading your: 002 Tom Nook, 017 Jack, 131 Pate, 138 Sly and 191 Marcel
for my: 204 Pelly, 208 Leif, 261 Tucker, 326 Dizzy and 353 Elise?
I am I interested! We can help each other increase our rating on here! PM me so we can exchange info please! :)
Hi there I have a great many cards you are seeking, I have a thread on site. I am interested in your S1:Nook and Biff cards, and S2:Don, Butch,and Gabi. I have quite a few cards my thread is under US trading extras and Doubles by Classygirl please take a look at my extras and PM me with what you may want for those cards. I have many cards you need from S3 and 4 and am a long member here so can help you boost your wifi. List is long to write out what you may want so please take a look but at glance I have Rover,Wendall,(many SPs) Velma,Rodeo,Sprok,Frekles,Hans and about 50 or over more so please pm me if we can help each other.
I am confused by the spreadsheet. Are those cards you are willing to trade or cards you are seeking?

Thanks for the information! I will definitely take at look at your post! I do know that I just traded Biff out before you wrote this. I have updated my lists!


There are two tabs at the bottom of my spreadsheet. The first one is for the ones that I need. The second one is for the ones that I have duplicates and can trade! :)

Let me know if I can help either of you!
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Hi! I need Hornsby, Rex, Weber, Gonzo, and Buzz. Please check my trading thread to see what you might like :) (link is in my signature below!)
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I know you are a little busy until the weekend but I am still interested in Butch Gabi and Wendy and still have Spork,Tammi,Buck,Curlos and Moe that you were interested in. When you get time, no rush, let me know and we can work it out on the weekend tt so much.
Hello! Just a 1 for 1 offer unfortunately, but if you're interested in trading me your WA 16 for my 225 Ken drop me a PM. Thanks!
My 290 Caroline for your 60 Samson? Sorry it's only a single card trade (last one I need for series 1). Please PM me if you're interested.

I saw your proposed trade on my thread but some of the cards I already obtained last time I bought packs. I've updated my list if you want to check again and propose a new trade.