Selling /Trading Collectibles | Buying Star or Heart Glow Wand, November Birthstone | DT LOTV [UPDATED: 10/04]

just throwing a question out there, if you wanted a pure tbt offer or tbt + collectibles what would you be looking for in particular (besides a heart/star wand)? I don't have a wand besides snowflake/pumpkin but I would do anything to get a final boss feather 🥺
just throwing a question out there, if you wanted a pure tbt offer or tbt + collectibles what would you be looking for in particular (besides a heart/star wand)? I don't have a wand besides snowflake/pumpkin but I would do anything to get a final boss feather 🥺
Other higher tier collectibles that may help me with my wand search and/or perhaps lower priority dream collectibles. Nightmare egg has always been a high want for me. Dreamy egg, disco egg, sweet feather, are some I'd also maybe consider. 🤔 But I do want to emphasize that there's a small chance of an offer with those catching my eye, as wands are my main priority.