I've been playing New Horizons for a while now, but I'm still looking to get roses and lillies as they are the only flowers I'm missing.
I can trade them for either money or mums, pansies or cherries, apples, oranges and pears.
Also, if someone had peaches as their native fruit, that would be great as well.
My friend code is SW-4741-7803-0319, feel free to send me a request!
I would love to trade you my roses for pansies.
I am also lacking pears and cherries.
I also have lots of peach trees but they aren't my native (not sure that it matters).
however I don't know how to do trades...
Roses I have are:
Edit I sent a request, if you don't mind a newbie lol.- Steph
Turns out I haven't got any pears today as I sold them all yesterday and so far they haven't grown back. But I'm happy to trade cherries and pansies for roses and peaches!
Oh and for the trade we would visit each other's towns and just drop the items there (but we only have to do it once, so we have to decide who visits who).
I think the best would be to buy the seeds at Nook's and then drop them off as it's kinda hard to swap whole flowers since you have to dig them up and we would have to give each other permission first to be able to do that (if that makes sense).
Anyway, when would you be free? I'm from London, so my time zone is BST.
I'm on today. Seed wise, I only can buy red and yellow roses. But I have white rose plants.
How many peaches and roses are you looking for?
my time zone is EST USA
ill give you permission to dig and stuff as long as you promise not to destroy my island lol. I'll move some of each rose to the airport on my island and if you want seeds i can get the red and yellow ones and drop them there too. I just need to know how many bags of seeds you may want.
What about 3pm your time? That would be 8 pm my time if I'm not mistaken.
Let's say 6 peaches for 6 cherries and 4 red roses, 2 yellow and if you're ok with it 2 white ones, please? I promise, promise, promise I won't destroy your island as I wouldn't want that for mine either (which is currently under construction lol). Just tell me how many pansies you need and I will give them to you. I've got red, white and yellow ones, the two latter ones even as seeds. Also, I forgot to mention that I can offer you tulips too, so just let me know if you need them.
You can just match the number of pansies with the roses you take. Seeds or plants are fine with me.
I am over flowing with roses and I don't even like them that much lol. you are free to take more than just a few. I went ahead and put 10 of each color I have (red yellow and white) right in front of my airport.
I also have alot of peaches if you want more than 6. I have like 40 sitting in my bag lol. Up to you
And yes, let's make it 10 of each. So 10 peaches for 10 cherries, and 10 red, 10 yellow and 10 white pansies for 10 roses of each colour respectively. Unless you want more cherries than just 10, that is.