Trading NA e-reader cards for NA e-reader cards!


E-reader card collector!
Feb 7, 2025
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
0% (0) +
Heya! Im looking for e-reader cards. Mainly the design/sibling ones- But characters too!!! Heres what I have:
Population: Growing! (Promo Card) x 2

NES Link (PR)

Boy 1 (P01)

Boy 2 (P03)

Boy 3 (P05) x 2

Boy 4 (P07)

Boy 7(P13)

Girl 7 (P14)

K.K Only Me (M01)

K.K Faire (M02) x 2

Mr. K.K (M04) x 2

K.K. Elude (M09)

Shine Sprite (D01) x 2

Mario (D02) x 3

Kapp'n's Kisser (D14)

K.K. Slider (001)

Tom Nook (004)

Resetti (006)

Blathers (007) x 3

Sabel Able (008)

Mabel Able (009) x 3

Kapp'n (010) x 2

Mitzi (012) x 4

Ankha (014)

Teddy (016) x 2

O'Hare (021)

Bill (022)

Joey (023)

Maelle (024)

Biff (025) x 2

Lobo (026)

Chevre (033)

Bangle (034)

June (038)

Cherri (039)

Flash (042)

Pinky (047)

Dotty (049) x 2

Scoot (050) x 2

Boris (051) x 2

Admiral (053)x2

Spike (059)

Tom Nook (061)

Eunice (073)

Coco (082)

Bubbles (085)

Ava (092)

Camofrog (100)

Boots (101)

Poncho (109)

Kitt (113)

Franklin (118)

Cashmere (130)

Rex (163)

Cesar (166)

Mathilda (169)

Lulu (173)

Pango (174)

Ellie (180)

Static (183)

T-bone (188)

Sven (191)

Farley (197)

Tom Nook (198)

Tommy (201)

Tabby (206)

Dizzy (208)

Tutu (210)

Hazel (213)

Mint (214)

Rollo (219)

Freya (220)

Penny (221)

Rizzo (222)

Egbert (225)

Oxford (226)

Bessie (227)

Piper (228)

Twirp (229)

Ace (230)

Emerald (231)

Alli (234)

Murphy (241)

Astrid (245)

Gwen (247)

Axel (249)

Valise (254)

Pecan (260)

Hector (266)

Petunia (267)

Robin (268)

Wart Jr. (269) x 2

Alfonso (270)

Savvanah (272)

Louie (274)

Heres what I have for trade:

Population: Growing! (Promo Card)

Boy 3 (P05)

K.K Faire (M02)

Mr. K.K (M04)

Shine Sprite (D01)

Jumpman Mario (D02) x 2

Blathers (007) x 2

Mable Able (009) x 2

Mitzi (012) x 3

Teddy (016)

Biff (025)

Dotty (049)

Scoot (050)

Boris (051)

Admiral (053)

Wart Jr. (269)