It’s Spooky Time!
Heyo, I’m still trying to complete my art museum so, i am wanting to trade art i have for art i don’t. I am also willing to sell the art i do have at the going rate of 10 TBT per painting/15 TBT for statue
I am not really looking to purchase until I’ve traded my current art pieces...please do not leave such offers. Thank you
If you believe there’s a big difference in the value of certain pieces, please simply comment so we can work something out
I’d be willing to pay NMTs or some TBT to settle to difference but I’d much rather trade than sell and buy
Basic painting
Famous painting
Gallant statute
Graceful painting
Great statue
Moving painting
Mysterious painting
Nice painting
Proper painting
Robust statue
Rock-head statue
Sinking painting
Tremendous statue
Twinkling painting
Warm painting
Wild painting left
Wild painting right
Famous painting
Gallant statute
Graceful painting
Great statue
Moving painting
Mysterious painting
Nice painting
Proper painting
Robust statue
Rock-head statue
Sinking painting
Tremendous statue
Twinkling painting
Warm painting
Wild painting left
Wild painting right
Glowing painting
Warrior statue
Warrior statue
I am not really looking to purchase until I’ve traded my current art pieces...please do not leave such offers. Thank you
If you believe there’s a big difference in the value of certain pieces, please simply comment so we can work something out
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