Selling [Trading] sanrio posters for nook tickets + flowers

Hello, can I do 50k each for the Sanrio Posters and 25k each for the NPC Posters and Bob and Stitches? Does that sound reasonable?
how much igb for tom nook, kk, jack, brewster and all the sanrio posters?
20k for the npcs and 150k for the sanrio set, so 230k if that's okay with you?

Hello, may I just catalog the Sanrio set? I'll still pay 150k but I don't need to keep it.

And can I order the posters for these villagers?


Sanrio (catalog) + 8 villagers= 550k

Would that be okay?

[Edit] SORRY I CAN'T DO MATH! Updated it.

[Edit 2] I have to go to bed now but I'd be down to trade tomorrow if that's okay with you!
absolutely, not a problem. feel free to pm me tomorrow (i'll be home after 5pm EST) whenever you're around and i'll try to have those ready. don't worry about paying to catalog the sanrio set :> just 20k per regular villager is totally fine, so it'd be 160k.

If its only 50k more for the full set then i'll just do that :)
So 150k and 5 nmt for all of it
okay, no problem. you're next up on my list as soon as i finish up my current trade and gather the rest of the posters.

Hello, can I do 50k each for the Sanrio Posters and 25k each for the NPC Posters and Bob and Stitches? Does that sound reasonable?
no problem at all. i'll only charge you 150k for the sanrio set and 20k for the others :)
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230k is good with me! please pm me whenever you're ready to trade
okay, everyone who has requested posters has been PM'ed. thanks y'all! still accepting orders, i'll fulfill them tomorrow evening. no more than five posters at a time tho please because it's incredibly tedious to order/TT for hours