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trust no one :(


Transneptunian Object
Mar 31, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Togepi Easter Egg
Pear (Fruit)
It my fault for trusting people.
I found a great turnip price and someone that was willing to let me make two trips.
They gave me ten minutes and I rushed as quickly as possible to empty out everything in my pockets behind my nook cranny because i had opened my gate to my coworkers to sell their fruit (I would invite them but they knew to ask me before taking anything rule because my island is a work in progress and i dont have much time to play because ive been working non stop and sometimes im just too exhausted when i get home ) and i ended the session to invite them back when i reopened my gate from selling my turnips. I opened my gate and went to deposit my bells but i had a phone call so i walked away from my switch. some thirty minutes later i come back to majority of my fruit trees and bell trees shaken some hybrid flowers , all my seashells ,furniture and extra diy on my beach materials and mile tickets worst of all the stuff i left behind my nook that included nook mile furniture that i was able to find some one to trade colors with me white street lamps and the blue and green playground gym and the cherry blossom diy furnitures that i missed in april due to work that ive been looking for, that someone on gamefaqs sold to me everything gone. i opened the group chat and i see someone saying to put my stuff back. i dont know why but i just started crying. i messaged my coworker that stole my stuff just asking for my stuff back .. the said "it wasn't them it was their daughter" and guilted me saying that she's crying which i know is a lie . then proceeded to say that its just a game and am i really upset over something like that. but what they didnt know is that im already having a very hard time personally work is exhausting and animal crossing was the only thing i was really looking forward to this year. it wouldn't have mattered but im not far in the game you know .... their island is practically done but still why lie and steal from me . and try to make me feel like crap for getting upset. i dont feel like playing anymore . and its my fault because i had them as best friends. why lie to me though i just don't understand. i know its just a game but its still not right😞
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Wow wtf? That is literally so petty. A grown adult with a kid stealing from their real life coworker in a game, and then turning around and lying to you about it? If possible I would cut ties with that relationship as much as possible. That is absolutely ridiculous.

Edit: If it's any condolence, it's better your coworker showed you their true colors now, rather than later. At least now you know not to trust them from now on, and can have your guard up around them, in case they try screwing you over/taking advantage of you in a worse way than animal crossing.
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Do you work at a zoo? Because that coworker is an animal. If it is “just a game” and their daughter really did take it, be a parent and teach the child it was wrong. I know it’s a lie, but still it makes them look horrible either way.
“It’s just a game” is the most pathetic excuse and I hate when people use it. Who cares if it’s “just a game”? It’s something that you enjoy, that you’ve put time and effort into, that makes you happy, and this person has taken that from you. That’s not acceptable.

I have some spare hybrids I’d be willing to give you if you like💕
That coworker sounds like an utter scumbag.

Please...I feel like I say this in every thread...stop adding people you aren't actually close with as best friends. There's really no need to do this. The only difference between a normal friend and a best friend is that best friends can seriously goof up your town. Look if you're reading this and you also have people you aren't actually friends with, IRL, who you actually trust 100%, on your best friends list - REMOVE THEM - there's NO point them being best friends! AHH.

I feel like I get more and more worked up about this but it's so easy to avoid, just don't best friend people who clearly aren't your actual friends T-T
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That coworker sounds like an utter scumbag.

Please...I feel like I say this in every thread...stop adding people you aren't _actually close with_ as best friends. I don't get why people do this. The only difference between a normal friend and a best friend is that best friends can seriously goof up your town. I just...can't comprehend why people do this. Look if you're reading this and you also have people you aren't actually friends with, IRL, who you actually trust 100%, on your best friends list - REMOVE THEM - there's NO point them being best friends! AHH.

I feel like I get more and more worked up about this but it's _so easy_ to avoid, just don't best friend people who clearly aren't your actual friends T-T
I agree you also shouldn’t open gates and step away from the game, but to have coworkers you see everyday to do this to you is gross.
That coworker sounds like an utter scumbag.

Please...I feel like I say this in every thread...stop adding people you aren't actually close with as best friends. I don't get why people do this. The only difference between a normal friend and a best friend is that best friends can seriously goof up your town. I just...can't comprehend why people do this. Look if you're reading this and you also have people you aren't actually friends with, IRL, who you actually trust 100%, on your best friends list - REMOVE THEM - there's NO point them being best friends! AHH.

I feel like I get more and more worked up about this but it's so easy to avoid, just don't best friend people who clearly aren't your actual friends T-T
I disagree. this is a person that you work with. someone you might even see everyday. why doubt them?? the "coworker" is a completely horrible person for doing that to them and trying to push the blame around. srsly. but i see where you are coming from..

I know this won't help with the horrible feeling that you're feeling now but I hope I can dampen it. I can help with any of the flowers you might have lost but it'll take me some time. I hope you don't quit and just take a breather, a break, or whatever you need to do to just focus on yourself and take care of yourself but i understand if you'd want to. This wasn't a "life happens" type of thing. this was intentional and I hope you don't ever let this person have that sort of control over you. Please be well.
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I’m sorry that happened to you. Next time just put things in your house storage or drop them in your house and put a fence around your house so no one can take it.
I disagree. this is a person that you work with. someone you might even see everyday. why doubt them?? the "coworker" is a completely horrible person.
I don't disagree - the coworker is a scumbag, like I said - but please, if they're not actually a close friend, someone you trust, someone you'd actually consider a best friend, why add them as such?

That feature isn't some status symbol. It's not some way to declare to a person you like them and you think they're a cool person. It literally gives them and anyone playing as them, on their Switch permission to seriously mess up your town. If you're that close with a coworker then...fair enough. Add them. Clearly this coworker isn't that close otherwise they'd actually have made an effort to resolve an issue they can clearly resolve.

Just be more careful with who you're adding. I don't care if you disagree with me or not in this particular case. I see threads like this every single day. Here. Reddit. Discord. It happens all the time and there's no reason it should (to this extent at least). Just think about who you're adding. I also see my supermarket cashier every day, we're on a name basis, I still wouldn't add them as a best friend in game because they just ain't that to me.

Imagine it wasn't labeled 'Best Friends' but was a list of people who can edit your town (which is exactly what it is). Literally the list was called 'Town Editors' or something and it explicity said 'These people can edit your town, dig up flowers, without any repercussions' (which is exactly the case) - would you still add them then? Just some coworker you see every day...?
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I don't disagree - the coworker is a scumbag, like I said - but come ON, if they're not actually a close friend, someone you trust, someone you'd actually consider a best friend, why add them as such???

That feature isn't some status symbol. It's not some way to declare to a person you like them and you think they're a cool person. It literally gives them and anyone playing as them, on their Switch permission to SERIOUSLY mess up your town. If you're that close with a coworker then...fair enough. Add them. Clearly this coworker isn't that close otherwise they'd actually have made an effort to resolve an issue they can clearly resolve.

Just be more careful with who you're adding. I don't care if you disagree with me or not in this particular case. I see threads like this every single day. Here. Reddit. Discord. It happens all the time and there's no reason it should. Just think about who you're added. I also see my damn supermarket clerk every day, we're on a name basis, I still wouldn't add them as a best friend in game because they just ain't that to me.
It doesn’t say that they added them as a best friend. They emptied out their pockets and they stole the dropped items.

Edit: never mind I skimmed the post and didn’t see that part
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I almost feel like both of their statements were lies. They're hiding behind their kid essentially. Lets assume it was their kid who yanked everything, but why not return the items? Why are they making themselves justified because the "kid" feels bad, that they should keep the stolen materials? Screw the kid and their phantom crocodile tears. Would they do this if their kid stole a lollipop at a store and be like, "It's just a piece of candy!!" It's dumb. This makes me so mad.

I'd remove them and make it apparent that you don't like their poopiness (can't swear-oof).

Also, OP, I have white street lamps and the blue-green jungle gym. We can swap colors if that's cool. :giggle:
It doesn’t say that they added them as a best friend. They emptied out their pockets and they stole the dropped items.
It clearly says they had them as best friends towards the bottom of the post.

Edit: Right here - and this is what allowed them to steal flowers and such.
and its my fault because i had them as best friends.
They should have just returned it if there "daughter" is the one who took it, I mean come on it's common sense. Their daughter should be taught a lesson, just because she "cried" doesn't mean she should be let go off the very stupid and selfish thing she did, ughhh such parents are so annoying, proves how they only care about themselves when they pushed the blame to you when clearly, it's their daughter's fault. Such crappy coworkers you have, I'm so sorry for your lost, it may just be a game but you worked hard for those things and it's a shame that some people don't have the decency to do what's right in such situation...
I'm sorry about what happened.

I'm not a parent, but I'm pretty sure that the good way to proceed here is give back the items teaching your kid a lesson about not taking what it doesn't belong to them. So yeah they are blatantly using the kid excuse and trying to guilt trip you.

For now on, just add to best friends people you know won't ruin your island. And don't think people you know irl = permission. I have troll friends that I won't ever add to my bf list, and other online friends that I have on my bf list and have even helped me with my flower invasion when I TT once.
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I don't disagree - the coworker is a scumbag, like I said - but come ON, if they're not actually a close friend, someone you trust, someone you'd actually consider a best friend, why add them as such???

That feature isn't some status symbol. It's not some way to declare to a person you like them and you think they're a cool person. It literally gives them and anyone playing as them, on their Switch permission to SERIOUSLY mess up your town. If you're that close with a coworker then...fair enough. Add them. Clearly this coworker isn't that close otherwise they'd actually have made an effort to resolve an issue they can clearly resolve.

Just be more careful with who you're adding. I don't care if you disagree with me or not in this particular case. I see threads like this every single day. Here. Reddit. Discord. It happens all the time and there's no reason it should. Just think about who you're adding. I also see my damn supermarket clerk every day, we're on a name basis, I still wouldn't add them as a best friend in game because they just ain't that to me.

Imagine it wasn't labeled 'Best Friends' but was a list of people who can edit your town (which is exactly what it is). Literally the list was called 'Town Editors' or something and it explicity said 'These people can edit your town, dig up flowers, without any repercussions' (which is exactly the case) - would you still add them then? Just some coworker you see every day...?
Yeah i understand that.. I just wish you couldv'e put it more nicely? idk i know it's good to be blunt but this person is already feeling a bit down and they're gonna see them and be reminded of what happened. And they probably understand the result of their actions. what you said is true but at the sametime meh? like I'm a pretty trusting person when it comes to IRL ppl i know. I'm a snowflake idk LOL
I'm a pretty easygoing person, but if someone I knew IRL did that to me and they knew better (being another adult), I would be really tempted to give them the good old what comes around goes around. Is it nice of me? No, not at all. But some people understand that more than trying to explain to them what they did was rotten.