trying to figure out planting trees/bushes


Aug 30, 2013
Throwback Tickets
i have an issue with growing trees and bushes; i've been trying to fit all the criteria when it comes to how many are allowed to be planted within a certain square grid of land, but it seems that it's still not right for some reason. i know for a fact that this isn't a "dead spot" because i grew another tree in this spot before while the bush directly below it (both of these shown in red below) wilted in my last attempt. i tried to move a tree in the area away after that last attempt but as you can see it still doesn't work.

the diagram below is what i have now, with the X indicating trees, the @ indicating bushes, and the - showing the spot where i tried to plant the tree that wilted the next day. i double-checked the see if there are any trees or bushes close enough to the problem area and there aren't.


these are the guidelines i tried to follow while planting everything (source):
  • trees/shrubs will not grow immediately next to water, cliffs, other trees, rocks, buildings, signs, and bridges.
  • no more than eight trees will grow within a 7x7 square plot of land.
  • within a 5x5 square plot of land that already has twelve shrubs, a tree will not grow.
  • within a 7x7 square plot of land that already has 15 trees and/or shrubs, a shrub will not grow.
can anyone figure out the problem i have? or did i miss something obvious
Did you plant the bushes before you attempted to plant that tree or? If not your problem may be the fact that you have 12 connected plants - the 3 trees are connected to the 9 bushes below. To confirm this you could try digging up the bush below where the tree isn't growing and then planting the tree to see if the tree grows?

I don't really know if any of this is making sense but it's making sense in my head hahaha
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I think what you need to do to grow the - tree in your top row is cut down the tree to the right of it. Then plant your - tree, and a new tree in the same space as the one you cut down. The red @ bush is probably similar, once your new trees have grown try digging up all the bushes to the right of your dead @ space, then plant them again, one a day, moving from left to right. The trees/bushes need space while they are growing, you can grow lots in a 7x7 space but if you cut down or otherwise lose the middle one in a row or patch you can't grow another in the same spot without cutting down or removing some of the nearer ones to that space. Hope that makes sense.

ETA Have a read of this it's explained much better
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I edited my post because it made no sense lol

- - - Post Merge - - -

aaaand I didn't notice the fact your bush below the tree won't grow oops
no, the bush that i colored in red failed to grow during my last attempt when i had an additional tree near that area (which i now removed), but now it's the other way around where the bush grew and the tree above didn't despite the fact that i removed the extra tree to fit the limitations.

I think what you need to do to grow the - tree in your top row is cut down the tree to the right of it. Then plant your - tree, and a new tree in the same space as the one you cut down.

ETA Have a read of this it's explained much better
alright i'll try this.
Did you grow the hedge after the tree above it was gone? Or did you grow the tree after the bush was gone? I don't think a tree will grow right next to a bush, but a bush will grow right next to a tree. So you won't be able to grow that tree unless the bush below it is gone (and probably the bush to the left and right of it as well) - but you should be able to plant new bushes in those places after the new tree is fully grown.
Did you grow the hedge after the tree above it was gone? Or did you grow the tree after the bush was gone? I don't think a tree will grow right next to a bush, but a bush will grow right next to a tree. So you won't be able to grow that tree unless the bush below it is gone (and probably the bush to the left and right of it as well) - but you should be able to plant new bushes in those places after the new tree is fully grown.
trees and bushes can grow next to each other regardless of which set is planted first. i planted the three trees on the top right/middle area yesterday while everything was planted a few days prior, so i'm going to try doing one at a time like you suggested