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TT question / villager moved in


Jun 20, 2013
Throwback Tickets
I forgot to start the game with a new character and that bit me in the *ss...

I have a new villagers moving in (Amelia) and I want her gone! ><
I didn't save yet. Can I shut off the game and TT to yesterday to get her out?
or at least in another spot....?
Nope, sorry D: Isabelle, the jerk, saves the town as she's loading it. Amelia's put up stakes.

Getting her out will be easy, though, and I have some really high success rate tricks if you need 'em. I can get the most stubborn villagers move out, and I lose a villager about max, once a month. And if you think about all the TTing I do getting villagers out, that's equivalent to playing without TTing for an entire year and losing one villager.
Nope, sorry D: Isabelle, the jerk, saves the town as she's loading it. Amelia's put up stakes.

Getting her out will be easy, though, and I have some really high success rate tricks if you need 'em. I can get the most stubborn villagers move out, and I lose a villager about max, once a month. And if you think about all the TTing I do getting villagers out, that's equivalent to playing without TTing for an entire year and losing one villager.

Please do tell. I want her out! ><
Please do tell. I want her out! ><

Well, I use a variety of things. One good one is something RedTropicalFish sent me when I couldn't get Skye out, and when I started that, she was gone in less than 10 minutes. Really good and fast.

But it's long and kinda confusing. So here are some shorter ones, and I can PM you with Red's trick if you still want/need it.

1) Create two safety nets. You can use one, but two is definitely better. You can use more, but I don't recommend, since these villagers have a high chance of moving out, and can make it hard to move others out. At the same time, you don't want to have just 1, because doing extensive TTing and talking to a villager only 10 times don't usually match up and I've lost villagers in the past because you don't talk enough times.

Safety nets, in case you don't know, are just villagers who aren't getting booted yet/are permanent residents. They try to move out a lot, but since you talk to them frequently, they never fail to ping, so they won't sneak out. Talking to them until they begin to think over and over usually results in them telling you if someone is moving, also preventing sneak outs.

2) Begin ignoring all your villagers, with the exception to the one you're getting rid of. Talk to this villager between 1 and 3 times a day, but never more than 3.

3) Keep TTing day by day. As time goes on, the ignored villagers will have less and less chances of moving out for unknown reasons. Your unwanted villager, however, will have higher and higher chances of moving out as your friendship builds up; however, talking to them too much doesn't really get you anywhere, and can sometimes slow the process.

4) Towards about the "middle" of your relationship, that villager should ask to leave. It doesn't really take that long.

5) If someone you want to keep tries to move, try to get them to ping. If they feel ignored, they won't do this, though; if they feel ignored, talk to them once, save & quit, then run up to them again and they'll ping.

6) Repeat until said villager tries to leave. If they ping, do not answer them, as it might be a moving convo which they have a 50/50 chance of changing their mind from.

^^That's what I sometimes use. Combination of like 3 different tricks.


1) Begin talking to everyone except that villager; however, greet them before beginning this.

2) You won't really need a safety net since you'll be alerted from the villagers when they want to move since they're frequently talked to and will always be approached if possible.

3) TT day by day until someone says unwanted villager is moving, or Isabelle says they're leaving.

^^This is an okay one. Kinda fast, but not the fastest.

Lastly, the fastest (sort of) way:

1) Get one or more safety nets.

2) Ignore basically everyone except the safety net(s); talk to the safety net(s) until they begin thinking each day.

3) If they mention someone is moving, do the following:

4a) If you want to keep the villager:

Talk to them once, save & quit, then reapproach. They'll ping, letting you tell them to stay.

4b) If you want to get rid of the villager:

Drop everything and TT day by day until Isabelle says they're moving.

5) Repeat if necesarry.

I have tons more, but my fingers are beginning to hurt, and I have some studying to do. So yeah, PM me if you need more, and hope this helps!

Side notes:

-No villagers can move out if you have 8 or less villagers. If this is the case, TT day by day until someone moves in.

-Villagers have a considerably higher chance of moving out when you have 10 villagers exactly; I recommend grabbing a freebie or something if you only have 9.

-Bullying villagers doesn't really help, so don't waste your time netting someone.

-Do NOT get careless. Many people get bored quickly, and thus, villagers are lost.

-The 2 days forward, 2 days back method is really safe, no matter what people say. If you're struggling, PM me. Do not try it; it's how most villagers are lost while TTing villagers out.
If you've got a moment Midgetsc, could you PM me that other trick you mentioned? I understand if you're busy, but I'm curious. I too have unwanted villagers and want to check out my options.