Turnip Price at 518! Be greedy!


Senior Member
Nov 13, 2009
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100% (4) +
Turnip Price at 505! Get rich!

On the afternoon of May 2nd 2013, it looks like that Reese (Lisa) is having a high turnip price. She's asking 505 bells per turnip. It multiplies the amount of bells you spent on turnips by 5.05, provided you sell them all in my town. And I'm planning to time travel back to that date and time, so that turnip price can be kept as long as I want. Keep in the mind that I won't it any longer once Saturday has ended.

So, if you want to sell your turnips in my town, you may want to add my Japanese 3DS's Friend Code, which is found in my signature. The one that is currently sitting in my profile is my North American 3DS. If you're adding me, make sure you post in this topic with your friend code available on your profile, signature or inside your reply. Better do that before I open my gates, as I won't add you during that time.
By the way, I got a new town, so if you've added me to your Best Friends list before April 30th 2013, you can now delete JCna8or from Kinoko (written in hiragana).

On both May 3rd and 4th, I will be opening my gates.
Here are the times when my gates will be open. All times are in EDT, and subject to changes.

- 9 AM to 11:59 AM (May 4th)
- 8 PM to 11:59 PM (May 3rd and 4th)

Stack your turnips up, and enjoy your bells!
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I'll be there! :D
I'll have to tt back a few hours to buy some turnips. -Sunday in my game- xD
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I'd certainly like to visit! My JP FC is 3351-5325-4693. I'll come over on the 3rd. Is that 12AM EST on the 3rd? In which case it'd be around 5 PM in GMT, so I could probably come then.
Oops. I should have left 11:59 PM EST instead of 12AM to avoid confusing people.
I already sold my turnips, so I won't be visiting.
Hi :) i was just wondering if you were planning on opening your gate for some Turnip selling action anytime soon, i missed the last one cause i forgot about the EST/GMT timezone blahhh.
Well, I don't plan re-opening my gates for turnip selling until a rather high turnip price strikes in. It'll take a long while until that happens again, at least in my case. If it does, I'll be announcing there again.
Looks like I got a high turnip price again! Reese/Lisa is asking me 505 bells per turnip this time.

Feel free to tell if you're going to sell your turnips here!
Ah, I would love to come over and sell! Not sure when I could make it though... You aren't opening your gates for almost another hour, right?
Tomorrow, I'll be certainly opening my gates by 9PM EDT, and for 3 hours. On Saturday, I'll be there at the same time, as well of 9AM EDT.

Depending on how's my life going on, I could get to open my gates earlier. :p
Oh, right! It's not the 3rd yet in the US! OK, I might be able to make it then.

And I just added you to my FC :)
I've added everybody who owns a Japanese 3DS.

I'm about to open my gates soon.
buying turnips
hope my roommates don't kidnap me

woohoo here I come
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