Twilight Princess Release Pushed to '06!


Retired Staff
Jan 15, 2005
Throwback Tickets
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10

The creators say they want to spend more time on it and make it better, but really, like the article said, "Twilight Princess was arguably Nintendo's biggest draw at this year's E3 conference in Los Angeles, and news that it will miss the end of the year is likely to be viewed as a huge blow for Nintendo".

What do you think of this?

Ohhhh no.... I was expecting to play Twilight Princess THIS year.... This is VERY disappointing...
Well, if Nintendo can't get it out by the Christmas Season, then yeah, they'll lose a lot of sales. I don't know what the new release will be now. But, if they're gonig to make the game better, I'll wait, because it looks like its worth it.
If people are worried about things like "Nintendo won't sell enough to stay in the videogame market!!!Shift+1!111!" then that's wrong, becase there'll be Fire Emblem: Path of Radience, Animal Crossing DS, Mario Kart DS, and Metroid Prime: Hunters.
Bulerias said:
If people are worried about things like "Nintendo won't sell enough to stay in the videogame market!!!Shift+1!111!" then that's wrong, becase there'll be Fire Emblem: Path of Radience, Animal Crossing DS, Mario Kart DS, and Metroid Prime: Hunters.
Yeah, the DS will more than make up for what Nintendo might lose on TP. Plus, Pokemon XD is coming out, and that should sell rather nicely.
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Bulerias said:
If people are worried about things like "Nintendo won't sell enough to stay in the videogame market!!!Shift+1!111!" then that's wrong, becase there'll be Fire Emblem: Path of Radience, Animal Crossing DS, Mario Kart DS, and Metroid Prime: Hunters.
Yeah, the DS will more than make up for what Nintendo might lose on TP. Plus, Pokemon XD is coming out, and that should sell rather nicely.
Exactly, and besides, they aren't techincally "losing" an money. Of course, many people would have loved to get Twilight Princess as a Christmas gift, but that doesn't mean that somebody won't buy it just because it was pushed back.
Bulerias said:
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Bulerias said:
If people are worried about things like "Nintendo won't sell enough to stay in the videogame market!!!Shift+1!111!" then that's wrong, becase there'll be Fire Emblem: Path of Radience, Animal Crossing DS, Mario Kart DS, and Metroid Prime: Hunters.
Yeah, the DS will more than make up for what Nintendo might lose on TP. Plus, Pokemon XD is coming out, and that should sell rather nicely.
Exactly, and besides, they aren't techincally "losing" an money. Of course, many people would have loved to get Twilight Princess as a Christmas gift, but that doesn't mean that somebody won't buy it just because it was pushed back.
Exactly. I mean, sure if it comes out later, I'll still buy it. It could come out next Christmas, I'm still buying it. They could even delay it to '07, which I hope they don't, but I would still buy it. So, either way, whenever they release it, they are still getting a good amount of money.
this sucks... yet its cool for me... it just means i have more time to get money for it... although, i really would have liked to have it for christmas...
i'd rather have them perfect it, because i'll buy it whenever it comes out. the only problem is if it's a early 06 release, people are starting to save up for rev or ps3. that might hurt sales. two other things that could cause less to sell are: 1-the last games for a system are usually looked over and dont get enough attention (like when the last n64 games were released) 2-holiday season games sell more than if they're released at other times. i'm still lookin forward to it.
DarthGohan1 said:
i'd rather have them perfect it, because i'll buy it whenever it comes out. the only problem is if it's a early 06 release, people are starting to save up for rev or ps3. that might hurt sales. two other things that could cause less to sell are: 1-the last games for a system are usually looked over and dont get enough attention (like when the last n64 games were released) 2-holiday season games sell more than if they're released at other times. i'm still lookin forward to it.
Yeah, I think one of the last games for he N64 (THPS2) was right before the GCN came out. Like, one month. The GBA version was out, too.
the worst thing about tp getting pushed back: there isnt one board at nsider right now without a notice from a spammer about this.
Krool said:
:eek: No!!!!! That sucks. How could they do that?
because they feel like fixing things... speaking of fixing things...

look at this fish.


