Two Poems


Senior Member
Nov 12, 2008
Sautéed Mushrooms
I wrote two poems today in my spare time during class.
So read them, comment, and discuss? =P

First one:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
you see them struggle
you see them suffer
live their lives in pain
knowing they are not safe
no hopes
no dreams
no faith
you do nothing but ignore it
hide the fact it's true
pretend it's not there
not a single care
you know this is not rare
you have the power to help them
yet you do nothing
if it were you
or your family
or a friend
if this were the case,
you sure wouldn't pretend
so why not now?
no cares for the others
who live their lives with their eyes closed
while you live long and prosper
you are the hideous monster</div>

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
I look up at the sky
and see
no stars tonight
I look up at the sky
and see
no clouds today
I look up at your face
and see
no smile?

I listen from my window
and hear
no chirps tonight
I listen from my room
and hear
no cries for once
I listen for your words
and hear

I open my eyes and see nothing
I listen closely and hear nothing
In this world of sound and sight
we are all deaf
we are all blind</div>

I know this last one is a bit confusing but it has to do with 'seeing the path but not seeing what's in it' if you know what I mean. ^-^
Theyre really cool,
I wrote a poem about cow tipping:

Push the cow,
Run away'
Hope the farmer doesnt
Find out thde next day

Your one is better

They're better than your Wind Waker skillz! >:D[/quote]Anything is better than my wind waker skillz x]]
Kidding, but I do have like 40 other poems. =P
I like them a lot. I think they could use a touch of figurative language.

coffeebean! said:
bittermeat said:
I like them a lot. I think they could use a touch of figurative language.

The second one is practically completely figurative language >_<
I meant the first one, sorry. They're awesome though.
bittermeat said:
coffeebean! said:
bittermeat said:
I like them a lot. I think they could use a touch of figurative language.

The second one is practically completely figurative language >_<
I meant the first one, sorry. They're awesome though.
Heh It's meant to be like that. You don't know who I'm addressing it to though.
Why are they so depressing?
These are happy ones on my part...
You don't want to read my depressing ones then...
Wow those are really good, and you have like 40 others? Wow. :O

You need to become a writer/poet. You're really good at writing/poeming.
coffeebean! said:
Why are they so depressing?
These are happy ones on my part...
You don't want to read my depressing ones then...
if those are considered happy then i would read your others...but im not sure id find them very refreshing/encouraging
pootman1234 said:
Wow those are really good, and you have like 40 others? Wow. :O

You need to become a writer/poet. You're really good at writing/poeming.
poeming lol im sure thats a word xD
MattyofAlbion said:
pootman1234 said:
Wow those are really good, and you have like 40 others? Wow. :O

You need to become a writer/poet. You're really good at writing/poeming.
poeming lol im sure thats a word xD
I made that mistake on purpose, lol.