Ugh...I thought it would be fun....

Trent the Paladin

Lv 29 Nerd
Retired Staff
Nov 7, 2006
Father's Day Carnation
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Festive Bell
Green Christmas Stocking
Yellow Candy
Tasty Cake
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
Rainbow Feather
Yellow Pansy
Pikachu Easter Egg
Tasty Cake
Apple (Fruit)
Gosh, I'm addict to a game I've learned to despise and hate, yet I can't put it down.... Anyone know what I can do before I finally decide to go on to Toros Cave?

[I'm talking about Rune Factory for the DS]
You hate it? It gets better soon. At least it did for me. Toros is the second cae, right?
Well seeing as once you reach the fourth or fifth cave you'll start spending a lot of time collecting forging supplies (If you upgrade your house) and training, take advantage of your oppurunities to farm and fish now. I farm occasionally, but my fishing is only lvl 9, and my second lowest skill is lvl 28 (decoration).
Dang, think you can help me out? I could use a powerful sword to get through that cave. Oh and Bul, thanks.
Tom the Warrior said:
Dang, think you can help me out? I could use a powerful sword to get through that cave. Oh and Bul, thanks.
I'm setting up my Wi-Fi today or tommorow, so once I get that done I could make you a Dragonslayer Sword. It's pretty good. The best 1-handed sword is a Rune Blade, which is made from a Dragonslayer Sword. But I don't have anywhere near the ability to even attempt one of those. I could also make you a Luck Blade, which has an average attack power but a high critical-hit rate.
Tom the Warrior said:
Cool, thanks!
I'll install Wi-Fi as soon as my mom will let me, we just had to reformat our computer again the other day so she's being really cautios. But what kind of sword are you looking for? Fast, strong, one with an elemental power, a poisonous one, any kind. My forging is lvl 80-something, so I can make almost anything. But the more advanced the longer it may take.
JJH0369 said:
Tom the Warrior said:
Cool, thanks!
I'll install Wi-Fi as soon as my mom will let me, we just had to reformat our computer again the other day so she's being really cautios. But what kind of sword are you looking for? Fast, strong, one with an elemental power, a poisonous one, any kind. My forging is lvl 80-something, so I can make almost anything. But the more advanced the longer it may take.
Something powerful, to help me get through Toros Cave and the one after that without a scratch(unless I'm stupid and get hit! :lol: ).
Hm... I think I can make you a Star Saber by this time tommorow. It's the best Wind Sword. It's pretty fast and strong, and the wind elemental bonus helps a lot. Now to install Wi-Fi.
Um Tom let's make a compromise. I'm sure you're sick of waiting and I'm having trouble collecting Wind Crystals, so how about instead I just give you my spare Platinum Sword (And matching sheild

;) )?
JJH0369 said:
Um Tom let's make a compromise. I'm sure you're sick of waiting and I'm having trouble collecting Wind Crystals, so how about instead I just give you my spare Platinum Sword (And matching sheild

;) )?
Deal. Tell me when.

PM me whenever you wake up tommorow, chances are I'll be up. I'm installing Wi-Fi as soon as my parents go to sleep, they don't want me to. But I will anyways.
