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Can somebody help me get rid of all of these weeds? I need some tips to get rid of all of these weeds I just got... :(
I don't want to reset my town.. I really like my town.
;____; Please help me.
Well, I dunno if I can really help you. But I had alot of weeds in my town and managed to pull them out. Depends on the number, any Raffistas?
Mod please delete my post please. I thought the person meant city folk.
1. Are you copying IGOTTALEAF from youtube? Cause I am him and my nickname is leafy.
2. maybe sometime I could help you.
Thank you everybody!
And, no, I am not copying you, I'm just using a name from a book I like, just shortened and with a y at the end... Meep

And a magic lamp..?
And I might have to reset my town, I didn't like the name anyway D:
*It was acorn qu*
I could ask a friend if she could come over for internet access, my DS doesn't get access and I can't fix it. D:
yuba said:
nadnarb9786 said:
try using a magic lamp?
where do you get a magic lamp? is this accf we're talk bout here?
No, actually it was about ACWW D:

I don't have a wii, and I don't think I'm getting one unless they suddenly make a release for animal crossing PS D:
There are no lamps in Wild World, I guess some people might have gotten confused. But yeah, I'd get someone to help remove the weeds in your town.