Uh... Hello.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2013
Greetings. I came to this site mainly because the AC board I usually visit is kinda inactive. This place seems to be the opposite of that.

I bought the game launch day, but after a few months of playing I grew bored. I took a 2 month break and recently started a new town earlier this month. Now I am addicted again!

So yeah, maybe I'll make some new e-friends here.
What? No.

I am completely new to this site. Our names might be similar, but I can assure you I am not who you think I am.
Wow guys really?

His username is a Fallout reference. Way to go accusing people.

Welcome to our site.
Well, hello, there.

Nice to see you.
I was new just last year, and I didn't even do an introduction.
Well, good luck in the world of the Bell tree!
Also, despite popular rumor, Jake. is not a bad person. It's people like ILoveYou that you need to watch out for. Good luck!
Also, despite popular rumor, Jake. is not a bad person. It's people like ILoveYou that you need to watch out for. Good luck!


Bowie did you run out of ways to say hello? :{ I was looking forward to another edit. The only reason I kept coming back here.

Welcome to the forums.
I was kidding, but I shouldn't be surprised that many people didn't get it.