Unlocking Redd After April?


Messy Crybaby
Nov 8, 2019
The past few days I've been trying to figure out how to unlock Redd, because for some reason I still don't have him or the art gallery on my island.
I've read close to 20 different guides, and I've come up with a simple conclusion: Islands made after April can't get Redd (without time traveling?)
I was wondering if anyone else who rest or got the game later also had this problem, and potentially fixed it.
That... doesn't sound right? I started my island before then, but plenty of people started after and I've never heard of this problem before.

Have you donated 60 items to the museum? And it's built into a proper building?
I created my island after april and I have redd unlocked, I'm pretty sure it's linked to when you expand your museum (after donating 60 items you're given the option I believe?)
How many days has it been since you started? I recently restarted my game and it took me a while to get Redd. I believe there is a glitch related to Redd; If you accidentally sell/throw away your first painting, he won't sell you another one so you can't unlock his store until you get a painting through trades or something.
I started my new island in mid-November and can also confirm that Redd showed up as expected. I do think it is tied to how many things you donate to the museum, it was pretty quick that he showed up like in the first or second week. If you’ve been donating to the museum, then maybe these is some kind of bug or glitch?

Sorry you are having so much trouble! Hope you find a solution.
The past few days I've been trying to figure out how to unlock Redd, because for some reason I still don't have him or the art gallery on my island.
I've read close to 20 different guides, and I've come up with a simple conclusion: Islands made after April can't get Redd (without time traveling?)
I was wondering if anyone else who rest or got the game later also had this problem, and potentially fixed it.

You can get Redd. I started all my islands after April and I've gotten Redd on all of them.