Update wishlist


Apr 22, 2021
The villager limit is increased to 20 for an island and optional villager limit cap at 8-10. If you have HHP, there’s an option to have roommates on the island rather than placing more buildings. This would also allow the house interior to increase for roommates. Digby or Lyle could be introduced to support this feature as a separate counter in the town hall.

Updated villager dialogue and other personality types. It would be nice for mean villagers to return or any other alternatives to add variety to the island. Possibly develop the sub personality types and add a few more such as certain sub personalities are more likely to interact with certain items on the island. This could be those with the play hobby are more likely to use the playground items or the fitness villagers are more likely to use the gym related items on the island.

Gracie Grace update which allows the player to customise outfits for villagers and set these for them. For example their rain outfit/winter outfits/birthday party event/ everyday/ exercise outfit. This would also upgrade Nook’s Cranny to the second level and include the furniture sets from new leaf that were sold by Gracie.

Label is part of an Able Sisters upgrade similar to new leaf. She could sell exclusive accessories not available to Able Sisters and clothes.

Optional upgrades to Harvey’s island to add more shops/upgrade to stores. This also includes more spots for NPCs that are not featured in the game such as Ressetti having his operations run from Harvey’s island. This could also increase the customisation on Harvey’s island as you could use free spots for other NPCs if you choose for certain NPCs to be part of shop upgrades on your island. There may be an option to select certain NPCs to be part of the Nook Cranny or Able Sister’s upgrade.

The post office returns to Dodo Airlines at the other side of the airport. This is managed by Pelly in the morning and Phyllis at night. Pete can also be seen delivering mail on certain days.

Dr Shrunk also has a role with KK Slider performing at the town hall on certain days. I’m not sure what role he would have but it would be nice for him to return.

Minigames similar to Tortimer’s island. This would also include hide and seek.

More crops and trees (the fruits available in New Leaf). Leif’s store could be expanded to support with this or option to place him inside the Nook’s Cranny store as an upgrade. His slot on Harvey’s island becomes available for another NPC.

Furniture sets from past series returning to New Horizons.

The ability to contact villagers using your nook phone to find them. This includes adding or removing restrictions to visitors at your house.

Optional customisations for buildings on the island (option available in new leaf). This could include changing the design of Nook’s Cranny, Able Sisters, Town Hall and Dodo Airlines. This would be a similar mechanic to HHP.

There could also be an option for NPCs to access the shops if they do not have a shop in NH. Joan could be seen purchasing items from Leif at his store.

Working in the Cafe. This would be unlocked once you had a good relationship with Brewster.

Celeste joins the museum with the observatory. This would also include Chip and Nat walking around the bug and fish areas of the museum. You could also see Flick and CJ there if they are not the travelling merchant that day.

Introducing more holidays such as April fools day with Blanca.

Bulk crafting and golden tools don’t break.

It may be possible to lock some of these features for either 3 or 5 star islands. It’s a shame that they are not going to update the game as there is so much potential.
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So, I'm sure everyone has seen these videos.

My primary wants from the first video.
  • Craft x.
  • DIY benches in home pulling from crafting.
  • Split by x.
  • Eat x.
  • The thing that shows if you have something in storage when hovering.
  • Buy in bulk from Nook.
  • Buy multiple items from the fitting room.
  • Speeding through already-heard dialogue.
  • Dodo Air app.
  • The targeting indicator to show where you're digging/planting/placing furniture/terraforming.
  • The speedy thing to place and remove paths.
From the second video:
  • Speedy Dodo Airlines service.
  • Island arrival announcements in-game.
  • Map app showing visitor locations.
  • Decorating and terraforming when visitors are there.
  • Quick send guest home.
  • Changing the style of existing bridges and inclines.
  • Moving structures ever so slightly.
  • Touchscreen pockets.
  • Hold Y to continually pick up.
  • Wet suit on tool ring.
  • Tool ring to tool belt.
  • Better indicators for how damaged your tools are.
  • Press Y to craft sub-components.
  • Pin DIYs for a HUD indicator of what you're looking for.
  • Spot cataloged items when shopping.
  • Rearrange phone apps.
I don't care about the NMT things or island hopping or running your own shop. And the design stuff isn't a priority to me. Or the music stuff.

In regards to what OP said.
  • Fixing the dialogue tree would go miles in regards to variety, IMO.
  • I've always wanted GracieGrace to return. Give her a yacht or something and that's how she visits.
  • The tropical island New Leaf fruits really should return, with recipes included.
I want a QOL update where DIYs and recipes that you've already learned are less likely to show up again. According to Nookepedia, there are 141 cooking recipes and 783 DIY recipes. So why am I getting 2 out of 3 of my villagers giving me cooking recipes for multiple days when I already have all of the cooking recipes and am missing DIYs?! Yes, some of those DIY recipes are seasonal, but there are still a lot more DIY recipes than cooking recipes.

Also, shortening the dialogue tree for Orville would make using the airport a lot less annoying.