[US] Miyari's Amiibo Card Trading Thread!


Senior Member
Oct 6, 2015
Winter Mittens
(Last updated @ 3:40pm CST 10/9/2015)

Hello lovelies! I'm looking to trade for a few cards that I need. I'm willing to do 1:1 on commons and prefer 1:1 on SPs, but I will entertain offers! I'm looking for the following cards:
  • 001 Isabelle x3
I have the following cards available:
  • 006 Resetti x3
  • 008 Timmy x1
  • 010 Pascal x1
  • 014 Luna x1
  • 022 Leonardo x2
  • 024 Kyle x2
  • 025 Al x2
  • 029 Rasher x1
  • 034 Kiki x2
  • 036 Alli x3
  • 039 Jitters x2
  • 043 Puck x1
  • 048 Sterling x4
  • 050 Punchy x2
  • 059 Nate x2
  • 065 Midge x2
  • 068 Clyde x1
  • 072 Lionel x1
  • 073 Flo x2
  • 075 Amelia x3
  • 077 Cherry x3
  • 083 Annalisa x1
  • 090 Axel x1
  • 091 Muffy x3
  • 095 Peanut x2

I am only collecting US cards and I prefer US trades.

I'm not specifically looking for any commons at this time, but if you have something I DO need for trade and you ALSO need commons, I would be more than happy to also trade away any commons you may need 1:1 for a random common from you.
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You're looking for 3 Isabelles? I can give you DJ KK, Deli, Poppy, and Chief. I only want Opal. PM if interested. :)
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