Next Friday is Valentine's Day, so I want to hear all about your forum Valentine / real life Valentine. <3 We've been having fun talking about them in the IRC, and now I want others to join in.
Who is your Valentine in real life / on TBT?
Who do you wish would notice you?
Who do you want to ask to be your Valentine? Ask them publicly here, especially if they're on TBT. c:
Do you like Valentine's Day? Do you tend to avoid it every year? Did you watch the movie Valentine's Day? What's the cutest Valentine's Day card / gift that you received?
Tom is TBT's cupid. Confirmed. Official.
No spam please.
Sowwy Jason, in advance, if this has to get moved down to the Basement. <|3
Who is your Valentine in real life / on TBT?
Who do you wish would notice you?
Who do you want to ask to be your Valentine? Ask them publicly here, especially if they're on TBT. c:
Do you like Valentine's Day? Do you tend to avoid it every year? Did you watch the movie Valentine's Day? What's the cutest Valentine's Day card / gift that you received?
Tom is TBT's cupid. Confirmed. Official.
No spam please.
Sowwy Jason, in advance, if this has to get moved down to the Basement. <|3