Villager dialogue during the bunny day event

I agree with you. This event is so annoying

It really is. I read online somewhere that the developers made it before this whole coronavirus quarantine so didn't expect people would be stuck playing animal crossing all day! I'm also looking forward to being able to fish without catching an easter egg - Now I miss the days where I'd be frustrated due to always catching a Sea Bass.
I love the Bunny day event, but the villagers diaglogue is already so lacking as it is - this addition just makes me not want to talk to them. It would be a different story if they all had a different comment on it but it's the same things repeated over and over
agreed - bunny day was first for like,, the first day or two but now i want it over
For some reason my villagers LOVE talking non stop about getting eggs from coconut trees.
I totally agree about the dialogue, I feel like every time I talk to them its about an egg on a mystery island lol.

In the dev's defence, I think they probably planned this event to be so long because they weren't anticipating a global pandemic. They probably did this so everyone would have a fair chance at collecting the items whilst balancing work/school and didn't expect us to be hammering the game for over 100+ hours in the first week lol. Just a thought.
I totally agree about the dialogue, I feel like every time I talk to them its about an egg on a mystery island lol.

In the dev's defence, I think they probably planned this event to be so long because they weren't anticipating a global pandemic. They probably did this so everyone would have a fair chance at collecting the items whilst balancing work/school and didn't expect us to be hammering the game for over 100+ hours in the first week lol. Just a thought.
That's honestly a good point!
If Ankha spreads rumors about eggs on the Nook Mile Islands one more time, I am going to lose it. :LOL: