Villager opinion.


Senior Member
Jan 25, 2020
Hey guys I need some help. So I’m planning to do a Paris island theme. And I’m trying to think of French-like villagers. What do you guys suggest for the villagers?
Cousteau (jock frog): Cousteau is a French surname, and his catchphrase, "oui oui," is French for "yes yes."
Chèvre (normal goat): "chèvre" is French for "goat", and her catchphrase, "la baa" is a play on the French word "la" and the sound a goat makes.
Gaston (cranky rabbit): Gaston is a male French name, and his catchphrase, "mon chou," is a French term of endearment that means "sweetie"
Claude (lazy rabbit): His Pocket Camp profile says, "People are always asking Claude if he's French. Maybe it's because of his name. Maybe it's because he's always eating cheese."
Marcel (lazy dog): Marcel is a French name, and his catchphrase, "non," is French for "no". He might also be named after Marcel Marceau, a famous French actor and mime.

If you have access to the Sanrio villagers you could get Marty and his tiny French beret.
There's also:

Blanche(snooty ostrich)-Her name is the French word for "white".
Soleil(snooty hamster)- Her name is the French word for "sun".
Cheri(peppy cub)-Her name is based on the French word that means "sweet" or "dear".
As others have said, ones with French names: Marcel, Gaston, Claude, Beau, Merengue, Hippeux, Cousteau, Chèvre (French word but still), etc.

I would also consider:
—Maelle (she gives me French vibes)
I think these villagers would be perfect for a French-themed island.

☆ Gaston
☆ Marcel
☆ Jacques
☆ Cousteau
☆ Claude
☆ Chevre
☆ Étoile
☆ Chadder
☆ Hippeux
☆ Beau
☆ Reneigh
☆ Renée
☆ Merengue