Villager "Past AC Dialogues."


do the mario
Jan 5, 2015
So... I decided to do this because I was restarting kajillions of times I went through the chats and found info on past AC games.

Like for instance: Mr. (Sonny?) Resetti said something like: "The reset surveillance centre don't exist no more."
After researching, in City Folk, the surveillance centre isn't a PWP at all, in fact, it's always there and is just under a rock you need to break in order to discover it's location!

Lemme show some dialogues on past AC games throughout the game:

Tom Nook says that 'Paying your loan whenever you want is much better than working part time at a low paying store'. This is clearly a reference to a past AC game, Wild World, where you work at Nooks Cranny to help pay down your mortgage.

Rover says that, when in the train, he hasn't traveled as much since 2002, which is the EXACT YEAR in which the first animal crossing game for GameCube came out, titled: Animal Crossing. Population: Growing!

Isabelle mentions the past mayor, whom quotes: "held the position for many years." There's also a picture of him, and she mentions him a few days into the game. He happens to be Tortimer, and if from almost- if not EVERY AC game up to date so far, being mayor until the player show up, thus considered 'retired.'

Mable: She mentions how Labelle comes back after working with Gracie for a while. This is a reference form past games, like City Folk, where Labelle is the ONLY employee at Gracie Grace, an expensive, fancy clothing store that tops the Ables.

Tortimer says, when you play hide and seek, that it's better then quotes: "all those space age vid'ya games." This is taking back as far as when the first game came out considering AC is a video game.

That's all I have so far, and I hope to find more, so I will keep ya up to date if I find any more at all and ya, so hang tight!

Lol. Yah! Like Marshall will go on and on about the model and it's power and the year and blah blah blah. It's weird!
Sometimes, the villagers will bring up "Animal Intersection", a game where you care for needy animals. No joke, it's hilarious.
I NOW!!!

I think they say something about a dream or a game they play where they run around and feed needy animals.

Funny! I've reset a few times and I have kinda noticed that lol.
"all those space age vid'ya games." I hardly get why this is a reference to Animal Crossing in particular...