Villager voices


Senior Member
May 2, 2020
This is probably an obscure topic, but I've noticed villagers with the same personality sometimes have different voices, I think it's possibly based on species or size but I'm not sure. For example, I have Lolly (cat) and Poppy (squirrel) who are both normal types, but they have slightly different voices. I visited a dream island with Daisy (normal dog) and noticed she had the same voice as Lolly.

I also recently got Punchy (lazy cat) this week from a mystery island after having Bob (lazy cat) several months ago, and Punchy's voice seems different than Bob's to me, although I imagine they are the same and I'm just not remembering right.

I was wondering if this was something anyone else has noticed, and if anyone has tracked the different voices among villagers.
I don't think species affect the voice. The species does determine the instrument that plays when you talk to them and the melody is your island tune.

Does the personality affect the pitch of the instrument as well?
I'd have to check, but I think it's tied to the new A and B types for each personality, rather than size. There's definitely a "squeakier" jock voice.

Eta: yeah here's what I was thinking of:

This is really interesting to see! Lolly and Poppy are in the same category, I always thought I could detect a different in their voice, but maybe my mind is playing tricks on me haha.

I also didn't realize social levels was a thing, but it now makes sense when I think about how different villagers respond to certain reactions.
I'd have to check, but I think it's tied to the new A and B types for each personality, rather than size. There's definitely a "squeakier" jock voice.

Well I just learned something today! :D I didn't know the subtype also changes what they talk about! That's pretty neat. :)
I'd have to check, but I think it's tied to the new A and B types for each personality, rather than size. There's definitely a "squeakier" jock voice.

Eta: yeah here's what I was thinking of:

This was really interesting to read, I hadn't known about the different sub types so it was nice to find out why some villagers of the same personality came across as different to one another. Currently on my island all the villagers that share a personality also share the same subtype so it's quite handy to look at this to know which villagers to get if I wanted different subtypes.
Yeah, I remember that Olaf sounded different to Shep, even though they're both smug.
Each personality definitely does have subset voices. Even Timmy and Tommy have different voices, listen carefully and you'll notice Tommy's is higher pitched.

If you can, listen to Labelle, and compare her to someone from Snooty A, and you'll also notice the two differing snooty voices really well.
Personality and Personality Subtype determine the voice timbre. Filtering by Subtype was a highly demanded feature on VillagerDB, so we implemented it. You can filter by subtype there.
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I don't think species affect the voice. The species does determine the instrument that plays when you talk to them and the melody is your island tune.

Does the personality affect the pitch of the instrument as well?
i think it does. i've seen ppl talking about the cranky bears like Groucho and Grizzly and how their voices are EXTRA deep. I think species does matter. I mean they definitely have the patience to differentiate the villagers by species in some things because i've heard frog villagers will comment on how they like the rain and how they don't wear umbrellas