So basically back in November, I thought it would be fun to cover the ENTRIE island with flowers, like there is no space without them, and it got me to 5 stars, but im not rlly feeling it anymore. I put all my villagers in this tiny city area, but im trying to give them all nice yards, but the problem is, it will take me SO long to dig up all the flowers, and then sell them or just toss them in a garbage can. Do yall have any ideas on how I can dig them up faster?
My advice to have a garbage bin nearby when you're trying to get rid of flowers so you don't have to keep running all the way back just to sell them by the Nook Shop. I had the same issue when I had too many flowers and I used the garbage bin closer to me to throw away the flowers which goes a lot faster. So have a garbage bin in your pockets, place it down , dig up the flowers, then interact with the garbage bin to throw away the flowers. Hope this helps.
Put a crafting table next to Nook's Cranny or carry one with a trash can. Carry a few dozen customization kits.
Set your inventory up so it has exactly 28 free slots (No more, no less). Dig up flowers until your inventory is full. Then
Option A (You've chosen to use Nook's Cranny)
drop all flowers into the drop box
repair your shovel.
Option B (You've chosen to use carry a trashcan. )
drop trash can.
drop all flowers into trash can
pick up trash can
drop crafting table
repair shovel
pick up crafting table.
Repeat until you're finished with flowers.
Shovels break after digging up 30 flowers, so it's important to the speed of things that you don't break it. This is why it's best to not have more than 28 slots open.
definitely have a bin nearby! option B from post above sounds good, but you could just have bin + crafting table placed in a central location and fill up inventory slots with money or something to save time dropping them and picking them back up. unfortunately other than that there's not much you can do - just have tv or something on in the background to help ease the task